4.9 Cloud configuration
Operating Instructions, 10/2019, C79000-G8976-C503-02
Structure of the topic names:
The prefix of the name is an addressing and structuring string.
Topic name
For the cloud provider MindConnect IoT Extension, the topic name "s/us" is a fixed
For all other cloud providers, the topic names can be configured.
By inserting multiple name components separated by forward slashes (/), you can
create hierarchy levels for later evaluation by the subscriber.
The suffix of the name is a format string.
Name assignment for topics and groups
Because the topic or group names are incorporated in the data management structure of the
broker, later assignment and evaluation of the published data is facilitated if the names refer
to the process data of the stations.
You would like to name a group or topic "Motor5" and assign the name "Station1" to the
station. In this case, the following entry, for example, would be suitable for the topic name or
group name:
Configuration rules
Observe the following rules for configuration:
Topic name
The name of a topic must be unique within a cloud application.
This applies to all participating publishers and subscribers.
Data point name
The name of a data point must be unique within a topic.