4.11 Maintenance
Operating Instructions, 10/2019, C79000-G8976-C503-02
Security messages
You can save the security events here. Possible file formats: *.log, *.csv
Diagnostic messages
Here you can save the diagnostic messages of the device in a compressed archive
Unzip the *.tqz archive and the following extracted *.tar archive. You can find the
diagnostic messages in a *.log file.
Security events
The gateway outputs Syslog messages according to RFC 5424 / RFC 5426. The messages
are based on IEC 62443-3-3.
When the address data of a Syslog server is input, the gateway sends the messages to the
If you do not have a Syslog server, leave the server address free.
Server address
Enter the IP address of the Syslog servers.
Server port
You can change the default server port 514 (UDP).
You will find a description of the Syslog messages in the appendix Syslog messages
(Page 141).