Inspection items and tests
Primary-power path checks
Cleanliness check
Inspection of primary disconnects
Stored-energy operator-mechanism checks
Maintenance and lubrication
Fastener check
Manual-spring charging check
Contact-erosion check
Electrical-control checks
Wiring and terminals checks
Secondary-disconnect check
Automatic spring-charging check
Electrical close and trip check
Vacuum-integrity check
High-potential test
Insulation test
Contact-resistance test
Inspection and cleaning of circuit-breaker insulation
Functional tests
Table 1: Maintenance tasks
Failure to maintain the equipment can result in death, serious injury, property damage or
product failure, and can prevent successful functioning of connected apparatus.
The instructions contained herein should be carefully reviewed, understood and followed.
The maintenance tasks in Table 1 must be performed regularly.
Recommended maintenance and
Periodic maintenance and lubrication
should include all the tasks shown in
Table 1.
Recommended procedures for each of the
listed tasks are provided in this section of
the instruction manual.
The list of tasks in Table 1 does not
represent an exhaustive survey of
maintenance steps necessary to ensure
safe operation of the equipment.
Particular applications may require further
procedures. Should further information be
desired or should particular problems arise
not covered sufficiently for the Purchaser's
purposes, the matter should be referred to
Siemens at +1 (800) 347-6659 or
+1 (919) 365-2200 outside the U.S.