Correct handling and paying attention to the assembly and operating instructions are essential for
the productivity reliability and work security.
If the unit shows damages or leakings, it shoud be shut down immediately.
The maximum intendet clamping force is 25 KN, it must not be exceed. Exceedings can leed to
serious damage on the unit and physical damages.
The unit is equipped with a bursting element. While using the unit as alignment as well as while
applying external forces, the bursting element will provide safety to the user.
The manufacturer declares liability exclusion for physical and material damage caused by
incorrect use of the unit.
Alterations of the original condition of the unit or self-made repairs will result in expiration
of any warranty.
Never work below clamped loads, if additional security measures are not provided. Please regard,
woring below clamed loads is always dangerous even if additional security is applied.
Do not repair the unit by yourself, repair work should be done by a qualified technician.
While using the unit, please check that the piston rod is holohedral and centered effecting the used
absorption and that the alignment points are secured. A outcentered stress can lead to damages on
the unit and danger to individuals.
While retracting the piston rod, the operator and other persons must stay out of the danger zone.
Pay attention to the warning instructions of the manufacturer.
The unit should be operated by people trained in the use of the unit only.
Before using the unit, free your hands of all things (Tools, for instance) causing potential injuries.
Remove possibly leaking oil immediately. Slip danger.
Operate unit with the provided levers, hand lever and lowering lever only.
Transport the unit in retracted condition only.
Don’t store the unit loosely, store it secure to avoid tilding and falling dawn.
The Unit consists partly of moving parts. If not used properly, there may be danger of squeezing.