SR(P)80/185T - SR (P) 100/185T
1.2.0 - 2012
User info, PJC-212 - 1/4
PJC-212 Control panel
Control panel with S-link
CAN-bus connection
Product features
• For proportional thruster control with the new Power Controlled DC-thrusters
• Finger tip control speed control with purpose designed joysticks
• Hold
function for easy docking, runs thrusters at selected power
• Back-lit
with instant feedback
System status
Amount of thrust
direction of thrust
Thruster temperature/remaining run time
Battery supply
oltage to thrusters
Monitoring of Automatic Mainswitch (informs if the fuse has blown
or the manual override is activated)
• Interactive multi-language menus
• CAN-Bus communication with thrusters and accessories
• Plug
aterproof and compact connectors
• System setup via “wizard”
• Diagnostics via panel/computer interface
• Built-in audible alarm “buzzer”
• Connector for external “buzzer”/loud audible alarms
Speed control joystick for
bow th
Speed control joystick for
stern th
Holding function for auto-
running of bow and stern
thrusters together in the
direction of the arrows at
selected power
Press “+” for more and
“-” for less power
Information display, see
next page for details.
Press both “ON” buttons
simultanously to activate
control panel.
Press to change
between da
night light
Press to access menu
system and choose
items in menus
Press to de-activate
control panel or cancel or
go back in menu system
Betjening og alarmindikering - SRP
General use & alarm indication - SRP
1. Skru på hovedstrømmen (skru alltid av hovedstrømmen når du ikke
er om bord i båten). En Sidepower Automatic Main Switch slås på / av
når panelet slå på / av.
2. Det er fordel om baugtrusteren prøves på åpent vann den første gan-
3. Skru på kontrollpanelet ved å trykke inn begge ”on” knappene på
Sidepower panelet.
4. Kjør baugen i samme ønsket retning som du beveger joysticken.
Andre kontrollenheter som fotbrytere, eller brytere på gass hendel
kan også brukes. Disse tilkobles S-link kontrollsystem via en spesiell
interface-boks.(Se skjema i manual for interfaceboks).
5. Avhengig av hvor stor fart baugen får sideveis må thrusteren stoppes
før baugen er i riktig posisjon, dette fordi baugen vil fortsette sideveis
litt etter thrusteren skrues av.
Hvordan bruke en enkel hekkthruster
Enkelte båter vil av plassmessige, eller andre hensyn bare installere
en hekkthruster. I disse tilfeller brukes hekkthrusteren på samme
måte som baugthrusteren.
Hvordan bruke hekk og baugthruster kombinert
Kombinasjonen av baug og hekkthruster gir en total kontroll over
båtens bevegelser p.g.a. muligheten til å bevege hakken og baugen
uavhengig av hverandre. Båten kan skyves sidelengs og dreies rundt
sin egen akse. Se egen brukermanual for PJC betjeningspanel.
Det er også her en fordel å prøve ut systemet på åpent vann.
1. Turn main power switch for the bowthruster on. (Always turn off
the main power switch when not onboard.) A Side-Power Automatic
Main Switch wil turn on/off when the panel is turned on/off
2. Please take some time to exercise thruster usage in open water
to avoid damages to your boat.
3. Turn the control panel on by pushing both “ON” buttons on the
original Sidepower panel simultaneously.
4. Movethe joystick in the direction you wish the bow
to move. Other controls like footswitches or toggle-switches on
the throttle can be used. These connected to the S-link control system
by a S-link interface (Refer to schematics in interface manual for in -
5. Depending on the sideways speed of the bow, you must
disengage the control device shortly before the bow is in the
desired direction, as the boat will continue to move after stopping
the bowthruster.
How to use a single stern thruster
Some boats might however have installed a single stern thruster
because of space limitation in the bow. In this case the stern
thruster is used in the same way as a single bow thruster or moving
the boat’s stern.
How to use a bow and stern thruster combined
The combination of a bow and stern thruster offers total
manoeuvrability to the boat and the opportunity to move the bow
and the stern separately from each other. This enables you to
move the boat sideways in both directions and to turn the boat
around its own axis staying at the same place. Refer to the PCJ
control panel manual for detailed instructions.
• Again, if in doubt, try in open water first!