background image


SE170/250TC Ignition Protected thruster assembly      

version 1.3 - 2015

  Explanation of electrical table 

- All cable lengths are the total of + and - (to and from). 

- Battery size is stated as minimum cold crank capacity, not Ah. 

- Use slow fuse rated to hold stated Amp-Draw for min. 5 minutes. 

* Cable size and main battery size when an extra bow battery with minimum the CCA mentioned as A is installed.

  It is important that you use a good cable size and batteries with a high cranking capacity to feed the thruster, because it is the actual 

voltage at the motor while running the thruster that decides the output rpm of the motor and thereby the actual thrust. Please see the 

list below for advised min. sizes of cables and batteries. You can of course use larger cables for even better results.

  A main switch (*C) that can take the load without noticeable voltage drop must be installed in the main positive lead so the power 

for the thruster can be turned off independently of the rest of the system when not on board or in emergencies. This should be placed 

in an easily accessible place and the boats instructions should include information that this should be turned off like the other main 

switches of the boat.

  We also advice to install a fuse (*D) in the positive lead for protection against short circuiting of the main cables. This fuse should be 

of a adequate quality which normally means that it is physically large as these have less voltage drop than the simple / small ones. It 

should be of the slow type and sized to take the amperage draw for atleast 5 minutes.

  Remember to use ignition protected fuses and switches if fitted in areas that require this feature.

  A circuit breaker can be used instead of the fuse and main power switch as long as the functionality is the same.

  The cable ends must be fitted with terminals and these must be well isolated against contact with anything but the proper connection 


  If the main switch and fuse are installed in the same gas area they also have to be ignition protected.

  The negative / minus cable connects to the (-) terminal. Bolt M10. Tighten with 25 Nm / 18,43 lb/ft.

  The positive / plus cable connects to the "+" terminal. Bolt M10. Tighten with 25 Nm / 18,43 lb/ft.

Electrical installation


SP75Ti  /  SP95Ti ignition protected thruster assembly


1.2.1 - 2007

Explanation of electrical table
- All cable lengths are the total of + and - (to and from).

- Battery size is stated as minimum cold crank capacity, not Ah.

- Use slow fuse rated to hold stated Amp-Draw for min. 5 minutes.
* Cable size and main battery size when an extra bow battery with minimum the CCA mentioned as A is installed.

It is important that you use a good cable size and batteries with a high cranking capacity to feed the thruster, because it is the actual
voltage at the motor while running the thruster that decides the output rpm of the motor and thereby the actual thrust. Please see the list

below for advised min. sizes of cables and batteries. You can of course use larger cables for even better results.

A main switch (*C) that can take the load without noticable voltage drop must be installed in the main positive lead so the power for the
thruster can be turned off independently of the rest of the system when not on board or in emergencies. This should be placed in an easily

accessible place and the boats instructions should include information that this should be turned off like the other main switches of the boat.

We also advice to install a fuse (*D) in the positive lead for protection agains short circuiting of the main cables. This fuse should be of a
adequate quality which normally means that it is physically large as these have less voltage drop than the simple / small ones. It should

be of the slow type and sized to take the amperage draw for atleast 5 minutes.

Remember to use ignition protected fuses and switches if fitted in areas that require this feature.

A circuit breaker can be used instead of the fuse and main power switch as long as the functionality is the same.

The cable ends must be fitted with terminals and these must be well isolated against contact with anything but the proper connection point.

If the main switch and fuse are installed in the same gas area they also have to be ignition protected.

The negative / minus cable connects to the (-) terminal. Bolt M10. Tighten with 25 Nm / 18,43 lb/ft.

The positive / plus cable connects to the "+" terminal. Bolt M10. Tighten with 25 Nm / 18,43 lb/ft.

Electrical installation


12V or 24V





Counter Nut
Cable terminal
Counter Nut

50 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2

N / A

N / A





N / A

50 mm2

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2






35 mm2

35 mm2

50 mm2

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2







70 mm2

105 mm2

150 mm2

175 mm2

N / A

N / A





N / A

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2

180 mm2






50 mm2

50 mm2

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2







Table for s election of m ain cable, 

battery, fuse and m ain-s witch 

s izes .

up to 7m  total 




7 - 14m  total 




14 - 21m  total 




21 - 28m  total 




28 - 35m  total 




36 - 45m  total 




M odel




M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in.Battery 


M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in.Battery 

CCA by Din

M in.Battery 


M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in.Battery 


M in.Battery 

CCA by Din

550 CCA  Din    

1045 CCA  SA E  

600 CCA  Din    

1140 CCA  SA E




i IP

12 V

480 A

550 CCA  Din    

1045 CCA  SA E  

24 V

240 A

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E




300 A

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

550 CCA  Din    

1045 CCA  SA E

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E




i IP

12 V

680 A

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E




400 A

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

24 V

340 A

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

M in.Battery 

CCA by Din

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

450 CCA  Din    

855 CCA  SA E

450 CCA  Din    

855 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E


SP 75 Ti / SP 95 Ti / SP 125 Ti


2.5.1- 2007


- Leitungslängen beziehen sich auf die Gesamtlänge von + und -

- Batterieangabe ist min. Kaltstartkapazität, nicht Ah.

- Sicherung: träge Ausführung; angeg. Stomverbrauch min. 5 Min.

* Kabel- und Batteriegröße, falls eine zusätzliche Batterie, mit min.

der Kaltstartkapazität (mit A angegeben), im Bug installiert ist.

Da die am laufenden Motor anliegende Spannung die Umdre-

hungszahl und damit die Leistungskraft bestimmt, sind Kabel mit

ausreichendem Querschnitt und Batterien mit hoher Strom-

kapazität zu verwenden. Bitte die unten angegebenen Mindest-

größen für Kabelquerschnitt und Batterien berücksichtigen.

Natürlich können für noch bessere Leistung überdimensionierte

Bauteile verwendet werden.

Auf der positiver Hauptseite muß ein Hauptschalter (*C) mon-tiert

werden, der die Leistung ohne größeren Spannungsverlust

weiterleitet. Damit kann die Spannung für den Thruster in Not-

fällen abgeschaltet werden, ohne die übrige Bordelektrik zu be-

einflussen. Dieser sollte an einer leicht zugänglichen Stelle pla-ziert

sein und die Anleitung darauf hinweisen, daß dieser wie die andere

Bordelektrik bei Nichtbetrieb abgeschaltet werden sollte.

Zum Schutz gegen Kurzschlüsse empfehlen wir, in der positiven

Leitung eine Sicherung (*D) zu installieren. Es sollte eine

Qualitätssicherung von ausreichender Größe verwendet werden.

Die Sicherung sollte in "träger" Ausführung sein und die

angegebene Amperezahl mindestens 5 Minuten aushalten.

Statt Sicherung und Hauptschalter kann ein Sicherungsautomat

verwendet werden, falls die gleiche Funktionalität gewährleistet ist.

Die Leitungsenden müssen so mit Kabelschuhen versehen und

isoliert sein, daß sie nur mit dem Terminal Verbindung haben.

Die Kabelschuhe müssen korrekt angezogen werden. Die innere

Mutter sichern (Fig. 2). Anzugsmoment max. 15 Nm / 11 lb/ft.

Das Minus-Kabel (Negativ) (*A) am A1 (-) Terminal anschließen.

Das Plus-Kabel (Positiv) (*B) am "+" Terminal anschließen

SP 75/95/125: ø10mm Bolzen. Anzugsmoment: 15 Nm / 11 lb/ft.

Elektrische Installation


Electrical installation



12V or 24V








SP 75 Ti

SP 95 Ti

SP 125 Ti

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

50 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2

N / A

N / A





N / A

50 mm2

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2






35 mm2

35 mm2

50 mm2

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2







70 mm2

105 mm2

150 mm2

175 mm2

N / A

N / A





N / A

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2

180 mm2






50 mm2

50 mm2

70 mm2

95 mm2

120 mm2

150 mm2







M in.Battery 

CCA by Din

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

450 CCA  Din    

855 CCA  SA E

450 CCA  Din    

855 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din   

665 CCA  SA E

24 V

340 A

400 CCA  Din    

760 CCA  SA E

400 CCA  Din   

760 CCA  SA E







5 Ti

12 V

680 A

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E




400 A

300 CCA  Din   

570 CCA  SA E

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E

750 CCA  Din    

1425 CCA  SA E




300 A

300 CCA  Din   

570 CCA  SA E

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

350 CCA  Din    

665 CCA  SA E

550 CCA  Din    

1045 CCA  SA E

550 CCA  Din    

1045 CCA  SA E  

600 CCA  Din    

1140 CCA  SA E





12 V

480 A

550 CCA  Din    

1045 CCA  SA E  

24 V

240 A

300 CCA  Din    

570 CCA  SA E

M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in.Battery 

CCA by Din

M in.Battery 


M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in.Battery 


M in.Battery 

CCA by Din

21 - 28m  total 




28 - 35m  total 




36 - 45m  total 




M odel

V oltage



M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in.Battery 


M in. Cable 

dim ension

M in. Cable 

dim ension

Table for s election of m ain cable, 

battery, fuse and m ain-s witch 

s izes .

up to 7m  total 




7 - 14m  total 




14 - 21m  total 




Explanation of electrical table

-  All cable lengths are the total of + and - (to and from).

- Battery size is stated as minimum cold crank capacity, not Ah.

- Use slow fuse rated to hold stated Amp-Draw for min. 5 minutes.

* Cable size and main battery size when an extra bow battery with

minimum the CCA mentioned as A is installed.

It is important that you use a good cable size and batteries with a

high cranking capacity to feed the thruster, because it is the actual

voltage at the motor while running the thruster that decides the

output rpm of the motor and thereby the actual thrust. Please see

the list below for advised min. sizes of cables and batteries. You can

of course use larger cables for even better results.

A main switch (*C) that can take the load without noticeable voltage

drop must be installed in the main positive lead so the power for the

thruster can be turned off independent of the rest when not on board

or in emergencies. This should be placed in an easy accessible

place and the boats instructions should inform that this should be

turned off like the boat’s other main switches.

We also advice to install a fuse (*D) in the positive lead for protection

against short circuiting of the main cables. This fuse should be of a

adequate quality which normally means that it is physically large as

these have less voltage drop than the simple / small ones. It should

be of the slow type and sized to take the amperage draw for at least

5 minutes.

A circuit breaker can be used instead of the fuse and main power

switch as long as the functionality is the same.

The cable ends must be fitted with terminals and these must be well

isolated against contact with anything but the proper connection


Terminals must be properly tightened. Secure/hold inner nut when

tightening (Fig. 2). Tighten with max: 15 Nm/11lb/ft.The negative/

minus cable (*A) connects to the A1 (-) terminal. The positive/plus

cable (*B) connects to the “+” terminal. SP 75/95/125: ø10mm / 3/8"

bolt. Tighten with 15 Nm/11lb/ft.

NB! Very important to check the following with mainswitch

in off  position:

After all electrical connections have been completed check withan

ohm meter that there is no electrical connection between electro-

motor body and positive terminal on the motor and between the

electromotor body and the negative (A1) terminal on the motor. If

you feel unsure on how to perform this check, contact skilled

personnel for guidance.













120 mm2 



1045 CCA SAE


1045 CCA SAE


1045 CCA SAE


1140 CCA SAE


1140 CCA SAE


1140 CCA SAE


  NB! Very important to check the following with mainswitch in off position:

  After all electrical connections have been completed check with an ohm meter that there is no electrical connection between electro  

  motor flange and positive terminal on the motor and between the electro motor flange and the negative (A1) terminal on the motor. 


  If you feel unsure on how to perform this check, contact skilled personnel for guidance. 

Summary of Contents for SE170/250TC-IP

Page 1: ...ected thruster assembly SLEIPNER MOTOR AS P O Box 519 N 1612 Fredrikstad Norway Tel 47 69 30 00 60 Fax 47 69 30 00 70 Installation and user manual w w w s i d e p o w e r c o m sidepower sleipner no K e e p t h i s m a n u a l o n b o a r d SIDE POWER Thruster Systems ...

Page 2: ...iginal Sidepower panel is used the panel shuts off automatically 6 minutes after last use Integrated microprocessor monitors solenoids reducing wear and risk of solenoid lock in Auto stop of thruster in case of accidental solenoid lock in or if run signal is continuous for more than 3 minutes Technical specifications DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We Sleipner Motor AS P O Box 519 N 1612 Fredrikstad Nor...

Page 3: ... to cut a stiffener stringer support for the hull integrity without checking with the boatbuilder that this can be safely done When installed in boats approved or classified according to international or special national rules the installer is responsible for following the demands in accordance with these regulations classification rules The instructions in this guide can not be guaranteed to comp...

Page 4: ...escribed on page 6 We recommend that you fit the oil feed pipe also before the tunnel is bolted to the transom 5 When fitting the tunnel ensure that there is ample sealant Sikaflex or similar in the sealing tracks of the tunnel flange and around the bolts to make a water tight fitting Fig 1 2 Bolts washers and nuts are not included as they will wary de pending on the transom thickness We recommend...

Page 5: ...ers matt both inside and outside Fig 2 Take care not to reduce the internal diameter much as this will make it more difficult to mount the thruster 8 Apply gelcoat or similar on all bonded areas 9 Install the gear leg on the stern tunnel as described in the installation manual for the thruster but fit the oil feed pipe first 10 Basic installation of the motor assembly and electrical installa tion ...

Page 6: ... SP 285 TCi k the centreline of the tunnel and the boats The propellers the lower unit must be completely inside the tunnel the gasket A to mark the centre of the holes and double ck the measurements All holes must be in line with the tunnels centreline for ise installation as the clearance between the propeller and unnel is minimal re must be no casting where the motor bracket is to be ed as this...

Page 7: ...lock nut 3 on the propeller shaft 3 Place the zinkanode 2 in its designated position and tighten the zincanodes holding screw 1 Apply a thread glue Locktite or similar to ensure that the zincanodes holding screw does not un screw itself from the propellers rotation 4 Fit the propellers to the shafts with the LH marked propeller on the port side and the RH marked propeller on the starboard side Tur...

Page 8: ...ür den Bruchteil einer Sekunde betätigen wenn dieser nicht im Wasser ist NB Wird der Elektromotor eingebaut falls das Boot noch in Bau ist so muß dieser abgedeckt werden um eine Verschmutzung von Relais und Motor zu verhindern Diese Abdeckung muß vor Benutzung des Thrusters entfernt werden 1 Remove the 4 bolts in the motorbracket 2 Turn the driveshaft in the gearhouse and the motorshaft so the key...

Page 9: ...nge von und Batterieangabe ist min Kaltstartkapazität nicht Ah Sicherung träge Ausführung angeg Stomverbrauch min 5 Min Kabel und Batteriegröße falls eine zusätzliche Batterie mit min der Kaltstartkapazität mit A angegeben im Bug installiert ist Da die am laufenden Motor anliegende Spannung die Umdre hungszahl und damit die Leistungskraft bestimmt sind Kabel mit ausreichendem Querschnitt und Batte...

Page 10: ...rol panel Control panel and control leads 10 SP75Ti SP95Ti ignition protected thruster assembly 1 2 1 2007 You can install as many panels as you wish by using optional Y connectors If two or more panels are operated at the same time in opposite directions the electronic controlbox will stop the thruster until it only receives a signal to go in one direction When using original Sidepower equipment ...

Page 11: ...P75Ti SP95Ti ignition protected thruster assembly 1 2 1 2007 Visual wiring diagram A2 A1 Fuse 9 6 8 1 2 4 5 red grey blue black grey blue brown red 6 1230i Electronic control box Thermal switch Battery 12V or 24V Battery main switch M 4 3 2 1 3 red red black 7 white 6 1232i ...

Page 12: ...gram simplified for dual joystick panel Visual connection diagram for dual joystick panel y We advice to use different battery banks for each thruster to ensure maximum performance when both are used at the same time y When using the original Sidepower control cables just connect them to the corresponding joystick y There are no plus positive power connected from the bowthruster yellow BOW STERN b...

Page 13: ... is fastened Oil tank is fitted above the waterline as required and filled with gearoil Correct drive direction as per controlpanel All electrical connections are clean dry and tight and the correct cable fuse and main switch sizes have been used The bolts holding the gearhouse and motorbracket together are tightened correctly Very important for IP protection The main power cables have securely be...

Page 14: ...have come to a complete stop before performing a directions change of the thruster as it might cause damage to the thruster If the thruster stops giving thrust while the electromotor is running chances are that there is a problem in the drive system You must then immediately stop trying to run it and turn it off as running the electromotor for more than a few seconds without resistance from the pr...

Page 15: ... try in open water first How to use Sidepower thrusters 15 SP75Ti SP95Ti ignition protected thruster assembly 1 2 1 2007 How to use a bowthruster 1 Turn main power switch for the bowthruster on Always turn off the main power switch when not onboard 2 Please take some time to exercise thruster usage in open water to avoid damages to your boat 3 Turn the controlpanel on by pushing both ON buttons on...

Page 16: ...s for the whole period between regular service lifts of the boat Consult your dealer for information on how to do this As a part of the seasonal service of your boat and before every season always check that The propeller is securely fastened The bolts holding the electric motor to the motorbracket are fastened correctly The area where the thruster is installed is clean and dry If there are signs ...

Page 17: ...noid is ok and measure that there is contact through the magnetising spools of each side of the solenoid measure between the red and blue on one side and red and grey on the other side with an Ohm meter If there are no contact between these the solenoid is broken and needs replacing If less than 10 5 V 21V the thruster will not perform at specified effect If one or more brushes are loose has no te...

Page 18: ...o so Prior to refund of the purchase price Purchaser must submit a statement in writing from a professional boating equipment supplier that the installation instructions of the Installation and Operation Manual have been complied with and that the defect remains e warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor or an authorized Service Centre and any attempt to remedy the defect by anyon...

Page 19: ...40 18 Complete flexible coupling N A 17 Coupling engine side 7 1457 16 Rubber element 7 1458 15 Coupling gearleg side 7 1457 14 Complete motor bracket N A 13 Bolt motor to flange 201360 12 Bolt flange to bracket 11031 11 Flange 921305 10 Bracket 10 0501 9 Complete gearleg 13 0601 8 Gearleg bolt 10 1080 7 Driveshaft key 10 1440 6 Gasket 10 1312 5 Zink anode 20 1180 4 Locknut 10 1260 3 Propeller was...

Page 20: ...Worldwide sales and service www side power com SLEIPNER MOTOR AS P O Box 519 N 1612 Fredrikstad Norway Tel 47 69 30 00 60 Fax 47 69 30 00 70 www side power com sidepower sleipner no ...
