PART 2 EVMS-150 Charger Installation
2.1 transport
Note: The center of gravity of the equipment is not in the center. When using a forklift to
unload and transport, please fork in the direction as shown in the figure to prevent the
equipment from tipping over.
sketch map
Transport, road transport choice, should choose a better road traffic, to prevent
excessive turbulence can also choose rail transport and water transport.
2.2 Charger Receiving Inspection
When receiving the charger, please carefully check the box and the charger whether there are
any signs of physical damage. The logo on the box should be complete. If there is a rupture or
suspected rupture, please inform:
* Carrier
* Manufacturer
Visible Transport Damage must inform the carrier immediately upon
receipt of the goods!
Other transport damage must also be declared immediately and the