Placing the sensors
Correct distance between the sensors and the material
The sensors must be mounted so that the limits of the detection zone – i.e.,
the values
for the minimum and maximum distance to the object being detected – are complied
with. The minimum distance is 30 mm; the maximum permissible distance is 100 mm.
Sufficient distance between the light points of the sensors
The sensors must detect the material at two different points. Otherwise, reliable detec‐
tion is not possible.
Furthermore, the light points of the two sensors must be far enough from one another
to eliminate the risk of mutual interference between the sensors.
Positioning the sensors in relation to one another
The sensors should be positioned at a slight angle to the object being detected (
). Otherwise, the beam of light could pass through a gap between the objects
and not be reflected inside the detection zone despite material being present. This can
lead to an unintended shut-down.
Furthermore, the sensors should be mounted at different heights. The paths of the
beams of the sensors must not run parallel to one another. These measures increase
availability because this practically eliminates the risk of mutual interference between
the sensors.
Figure 5: Sensors aligned at an angle to the material
8021417/2018-01-17 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | UE410 Safeguard Detector Box
Subject to change without notice