Table 11: Signal output when switching on the device
Output Signal
During powering on
In case of internal failure
20 mA
> 10 mA
> 21.0 mA
4.75 Volt
> 5 VDC
> 5.1 VDC
4.50 Volt
> 5 VDC
> 5.1 VDC
9.50 Volt
> 5VDC
> 10.0 VDC
Internal failure:
missing position magnet
malfunction of magnetostrictive device
Tolerance considerations for the set point
The set points (zero/end point) of the device are adjusted by the manufacturer to a tol‐
erance of ± 1 mm.
Further tolerances must be observed when installing the cylinder.
During teach-in, the piston rod moves to the zero point and to the end point in order to
eliminate all tolerances in the cylinder/sensor combination. The measured signals are
programmed in the controller accordingly. When operating the device without teach-in,
please note the following tolerance-related information:
Table 12: Tolerances when operating the device without teach-in
Example for a measuring range of 400 mm
4,000 mV
16 mA
0.5 ... 4.5 V
4 ... 20 mA
Zero/end point ± 1.0 mm
± 10 mV
± 0.04 mA
Position magnet ± 1.0 mm
± 10 mV
± 0.04 mA
Mechanical assembly ± 0.5 mm
± 5 mV
± 0.02 mA
Total of all tolerances ± 2.5 mm
± 25 mV
± 0.10 mA
Considerations for zero end point
Table 13: Zero end point
Example for a measuring range of 400 mm
VDC output
mA output
0.5 ... 4.50 V
4 ... 20 mA
Zero point
± 25 mV
± 0.10 mA
min. zero point
0.475 mVDC
3.90 mA
max. zero point
0.525 mVDC
4.10 mA
End point (F.S.)
± 25 mVDC
± 0.10 mA
min. end point
4.475 mVDC
19.90 mA
max. end point
4.525 mVDC
20.10 mA
After installation of the sensor in the cylinder, deviations from the target values will
arise due to these permissible tolerances. These deviations must be taken into consid‐
eration when setting limit values in the controller:
T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N | MAX48
8021473/2017-08-08 | SICK
Subject to change without notice