Detection of spring
The customer has a station where the
presence of a spring on a component
needs to be verified. In many cases, a
Photoelectric sensor for transparent
detection can be used, but due to the
small target size, it was not successful.
A camera system was considered, but
was too sensitive.
How to ... (Setup and configuration)
For this application, the 25mm version with a finer resolution is needed. Set up the unit
in Reflector mode.
The measurement value can also be monitored using the analogue output or IO-Link for
more variables.
Run a reflector teach, followed by an
easy teach to evaluate the first
Run an advanced teach and based
on the reflectivity and transparency
of the spray, select your sensitivity.
In our case “Course” was suitable
Set the unit to Width measurement
In the Configuration Qint, set your
tolerance values in window mode
and output to QL1
T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N | AS30
8025153/2019-12-10 | SICK
Subject to change without notice