
Certificate of Guarantee
The gua ran tee on elec tri cal and / or elec tro nic pro ducts ma nu -
fac tu red by SICEP is va lid for 24 months from the pur cha se date,
or from the date on the in vo i ce.
This gua ran tee does not ex tend to the sof twa re pro du ced and /
or sold by SICEP, nor does it co ver da ma ges of any kind that may
de ri ve from the use of the same.
Sho uld the pro ducts or parts of them pro ve fa ulty owing to the
qua lity of the ma te rials used or due to ano ma lies that oc cur red
du ring ma nu fac tu ring, the gua ran tee li mits to the re pla ce ment of
said pro ducts or parts. The abo ve gua ran tee in clu des costs of la -
bor ne ces sary to carry out re pa irs.
In ca ses whe re one or more parts of the fa ulty de vi ce are mis -
sing, the de vi ce will be re pa i red and re tur ned to the client wit ho ut
in te gra tion of mis sing pie ces, ex cep ting when the re is an ex pli cit
re quest for in te gra tion.
This gua ran tee does not ex tend to mal fun ctions due to nor mal
wear and tear of the pro ducts or the ir parts (in clu ding bat te ries).
This gua ran tee does not co ver da ma ges ca u sed by ne gli gen ce,
ca re le ssness, ac ci dents or im pro per use of the pro ducts or parts
of the same and / or the sof twa re. The same ap plies to da ma ge
ca u sed by at mo sphe ric agents, ex po su re of the pro ducts or the ir
parts, and / or of the sof twa re, to inap pro pria te en vi ron men tal
con di tions, in clu ding da ma ges ca u sed, eit her di rectly or in di -
rectly, by ex ces si ve tem pe ra tu re, dam pness, physi cal or
elec tri cal stress, elec tri cal blac ko ut or po wer sur ges, lightning,
sta tic elec tri city, fi res, flo ods and any ot her cir cum stan ces that
are not ascri ba ble to the di rect re spon si bi lity of SICEP.
This gua ran tee does not co ver da ma ges ca u sed by poor or in -
cor rect in stal la tion - or in stal la tion that is not com pliant with the
re le vant in struc tions or - lac king the same - in stal la tion car ried
out in an un pro fes sio nal man ner, wrong or poor ma in te nan ce in -
ter ven tions in ac cor dan ce with what is in di ca ted in the re le vant
ope ra ting in struc tions or ac cor ding to usual ma in te nan ce prac ti -
ce, im pro per or wrong ope ra tion, ne gli gen ce or lack of abi lity to
use the pro duct cor rectly or in de ed ot her ca u ses of any kind that
are not ascri ba ble to SICEP.