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USB Keyboard Support
This item is used to defined USB Keyboard id Enabled or Disabled.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Onboard LAN
This item is used to enabled/disabled onboard LAN.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Onboard LAN Boot ROM
This item is used to enabled/disabled onboard LAN boot ROM.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
IDE HDD Block Mode
The chipset contains a PCI IDE interface with support for two IED
channels. Select Enabled to activate the primary and/or secondary IDE
interface. Select Disabled to deactivate this interface, if you install a
primary and/or secondary add-in IDE interface IDE interface.
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Init Display First
This item is used to determine initial device when system power on.
The choice: AGP or PCI Slot.
AGP Auto Calibration
This item enable/disable the AGP driving functions.
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.
IDECH0/IDECH1 Access Interface
This item determines whether the IDE access interface is the PCI bus or
the embedded bus.
The choice: Embedded Bus or PCI Bus.
USB0/USB1/USB2/USB2.0 Access Interface
This option determines whether the USB0/USB1/USB2/USB2.0 access
interface is the embedded bus or a PCI bus.
The choice: Embedded Bus, or PCI Bus.
Audio Access Interface
This option determines whether the audio access interface is the embed-
ded bus or a PCI bus.
The choice: Embedded Bus, or PCI Bus.