Initial ization after the keyboard controller BAT command is done. The
keyboard command byte will be written next.
I Oh
The keyboard con toller command byte has been written. Issuing the
keyboard controller pin 23 and 24 blocking the unblocking command
I I h
Keyboard controller pins 23 and 24 have been blocked and unblocked.
1 2h
Checked if<lns> key was pressed during power-on. Disabling the DMA
and Interrupt controllers.
1 3h
DMA controllers
and 2 and interrupt controllers
and 2 have been
disabled. The video display is disabled and port B is initialized.
Initializing the chipset and doing automatic memory detection next.
1 4h
Chipset initialization and automatic memory detection has completed.
Next, uncompressing the POST code if the BIOS has been compressed.
I Sh
The POST code has been umcompressed. The 8254 timer test is next.
1 9h
The 8254 timer test has completed. Starting the memory refresh test.
The memory refresh l ine has been toggled. Checking the 1 5u second ON/
OFF time next.
The memory refresh period 30u second test has completed. Starting the
base 64KB memory and address line test next.
2 l h
The address line test passed. Toggling parity next.
Parity has been toggled. The sequential data Read/Write test on the base
64KB of system memory is next.
The base 64KB sequential data Read/Write test passed. Next, setting the
BIOS stack and doing any required configuration before the interrupt
vector initialization.
The configuration required before vector initialization has been completed.
Interrupt vector initialization is next.
Interrupt vector initialization is done. Reading the input port of the 8042
for turbo switch (if any) and clearing the password if the POST Diagnostic
switch is on.
The input port of the 8042 has been read. Initializing global data for the
turbo switch.
The global data initialization for the turbo switch is done . Any required
initialization before setting the video more will be done next.
Initialization before setting the video mode has completed. Setting the
monochrome mode and color mode.
58 User '.\" Manual