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Frequency/Voltage Control
Chipset Vcore 1.80V Select
This item allows you to select the Chipset Vcore.
The choice: Default, 1.85V, or 1.90V.
CPU VTT 1.50V Select
This item allows you to select the CPU AGTL bus voltage.
The choice: Default, 1.55V, or 1.60V.
CPU VTT 1.25V Select
This item allows you to select the CPU AGTL bus voltage.
The choice: Default, 1.30V, or 1.35V.
CPU Vcore Select
This item allows you to select the CPU Vcore.
The choice: Default, 1.050V ~ 1.800V.
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk
This item allows you to enable/disable auto detection DIMM/PCI Clock.
The choice: Enabled, or Disabled.
Spread Spectrum
This item allows you to enable/disable the spread spectrum modulation.
The choice: Enabled, or Disabled.