Shure Incorporated
To establish filibuster mode, refer to Figure 12 and proceed as follows:
1. Perform the
Mute to Inhibit
modification as presented in the
Internal Modifications
2. Connect all the MUTE IN pins together on the modified channels.
3. Connect all the GATE OUT pins together on the modified channels.
4. Connect the GATE OUT pin of one modified channel to the MUTE IN pin of another modified channel .
5. Turn the Last Mic Lock-On switch to OFF.
To prevent high-frequency oscillation, do not wire a GATE OUT pin to a MUTE IN pin on the same channel
unless the
Mute to Inhibit
modification has been made.
Inhibit Function
For information on the inhibit function, refer to the
Internal Modifications
Remote Volume Control
The level of the Aux or Master output can be controlled from an external VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) such
as the RU-VCA1 from Radio Design Labs (Tel. 1-800-281-2683, or To connect a VCA to the
SCM410, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the SCM410 Line output to the VCA line input.
2. Connect the VCA line output to the external device.
3. For remote Master level control, set the SCM410 Master control to 5.
Diode Isolation of Logic Controls
Two or more control functions that use the same logic pins can be isolated with diodes, as shown in Figure 13.
With this modification, a channel can be muted by an overall group mute switch, or by its own cough button.