Ordercode: 40428
Star Dream 6x4m 192 LED White
5.2. Display
In this menu you can set the display settings.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the 2 options:
AUTO OFF: If no button is pressed, the display will turn off after 10 seconds.
ALWAYS ON: The display will remain continuously on.
Press the ENTER button to confirm.
5.3. DMX Fail
In this menu you can set the behavior of the device in case of a DMX signal error.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the 4 options:
HOLD: The device will use last properly received DMX signal, ensuring undisrupted performance.
MANUAL: The device will switch to Manual mode.
PROGRAM: The device will run the built-in programs.
OFF: The device will black out the light output.
Press the ENTER button to confirm.
5.4. Key Lock
In this menu you can set the safety lock, restricting access to the main menu.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the 2 options:
YES: If no button is pressed within 10 seconds, the device’s main menu will be locked.
In order to unlock it, press simultaneously the MODE and ENTER buttons.
NO: Safety lock is inactive.
Press the ENTER button to confirm.