Ordercode: 40428
Star Dream 6x4m 192 LED White
5.5. Factory Reset
In this menu you can restore the default factory settings.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select YES or NO.
Press the ENTER button to confirm. If you have chosen YES, the default factory settings will be
If you have restored the default factory settings, the default color mode will be RGB.
If you use the curtain equipped with white LEDs, always set the color mode back to WHITE.
Otherwise, the Star Dream will not work properly.
See page 23 for more information about setting the color mode.
5.6. RGB or White
In this menu you can set the desired color mode (RGB or White). Your choice will have influence on the
DMX channel modes and the device’s functionalities. Before you start programming, make sure that the
device is in the appropriate color mode. See page 17 for more information about the DMX channel
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the 2 options:
RGB: Select this mode only if you use the curtain equipped with RGB LEDs.
WHITE: Select this mode only if you use the curtain equipped with white LEDs.
Press the ENTER button to confirm.