Ordercode: 42330
Dancefloor Sparkle RGB
Then take the second tile and place it on the first and second Connection Plate, see figure 05.
Fig. 05
Proceed this till you have made your desired dancefloor size (figure 05).
To protect the edge of the floor and make a visible boundary, you can use a ramp (
), see
figure 06, or a ramp including a corner (
), see figure 07.
with the feed-in hole to connect the powersupply to the dancefloor.
Fig. 06
Fig. 07
Connect the powersupply with the dancefloor
To operate the Dancefloor you’ll have to connect the dancefloor with the optional powersupply (
You have to purchase the powersupply in order to provide power to the Dancefloor Sparkle RGB. Please
connect the tiles to the powersupply according to the following steps.
First install the desired number of tiles and connect them with the connector cables. Connect the male
connection cable with the female connection cable, see figure 08.