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From Measuring to Download
After measuring, the Accstick should be maintained with the main power turned on and
connect to the PC.
Open the software and click “Stop” and “download” in order. Measured data will appear
on the screen and converted as .csv file on your PC automatically.
if you want to change the store folder, click
“Folder” and select the folder you want.
Name of csv file is given automatically in relation
to the date of download. Refer to P. 7.
Turn off the main power on Accstick after data has been downloaded successfully.
Starting Conditions
Select the start date when you select “Timer” or “Timer & Acc”. Then, click “START”.
Measuring will start automatically at the selected time.
When you select “Acc.” Or “immediately”,
Click “START” directly.
Measuring will be started at immediately after the click.
Turn on the Power of the AccStick.
After removing the cable from the AccStick, the unit should be installed to the target
object. Then, start measuring the acceleration.
Note ※
①Keep the main power turned on until data download has succeeded, even if
measuring is completed.
② Turn off the power after data download to prevent any issues with over
discharge when measuring is finished.