The control panel lights up, the fan runs,
problems with ignition of the arc
1. Check the TIG torch, replace consumable parts if worn
The control panel lights up, the fan runs,
the welder does not ignite the arc
1. Check the terminals and the correct electrical conductivity of the electrode and ground wire
2. Check the connection of the TIG torch to the device, make sure that the pins in the socket are not
broken off or are not jamming.
3. Unscrew the handle of the TIG torch and check that the switch in the torch is OK
The control panel lights up, the fan runs,
the OC diode on the display shows the
message "E00"
1. The device has been overheated. Wait a few minutes. After the diode goes out,
continue welding.
Unsatisfactory weld quality when MMA
welding, the electrode glues to the
welded material
1. Check the polarity of the welding cable connection
2. Check that the electrode is not wet. Replace the electrode.
3. The welder is powered by a power generator or by a long extension cord with too small
cable cross-section. Connect the device directly to the mains
Unsatisfactory weld quality for TIG
1. Replace consumable parts. Change the tungsten electrode or gas cylinder for higher quality
2. Check that the shielding gas leaks with the right intensity
3. Check gas supply hose, improve hose connection with fittings and condition of quick couplings
4. Check the bottom gear reducer.
List of error codes:
Overheating of the device or incorrect welding current parameters
Incorrect mains parameters
Internal controller error
Incorrect power supply parameters and internal controller error
The DIGITIG 200DC MULTIPRO should be operated in an atmosphere free of corrosive components and high dustiness. Do not place the device in
dusty places, near working grinders, etc. Dusting and contamination with metal chips of control boards, wires and connections inside the device may
lead to electric short circuit and, as a consequence, damage to the welder.
Avoid operation in environments with high humidity, especially in situations of dew on metal components.
In the event of dew on metal parts, e.g. after placing a cool device in a warm room, wait until the dew has disappeared. It is recommended to place the
welding machine under a roof to protect against adverse weather conditions when using the welder outdoors.
The DIGITIG 200DC MULTIPRO device should be operated in the following conditions:
changes in the effective value of the supply voltage not more than 10%
ambient temperature from –10 ° C to + 40 ° C
atmospheric pressure 860 to 1060 hPa
relative atmospheric humidity not more than 80%
altitude up to 1000m
You k and the consumable parts of the TIG T- torch 26:
You k and the consumable parts of the TIG T- torch 26:
You k and the consumable parts of the TIG T- torch 26:
You k and the consumable parts of the TIG T- torch 26:
1 Tungsten electrode
1 Tungsten electrode
2 T-26 collet
2 T-26 collet
3 T-26 current connector
3 T-26 current connector
4 T-26 gas nozzle
4 T-26 gas nozzle