Definition of each parameter described as below
Enable Syslog
Config enable/disable syslog function, choose it and
then click ―Apply‖ button to go into effect
Server IP
Config syslog server IP address
Server Port
Config sy
slog server port, click ― Apply‖ button after
inputting server IP & server port to take effect
6.11.4 Time Set
Setting time zone and SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) server according
to users location, users could manual adjust date and time on this web page
Definition of each parameter described as below
SNTP server IP address
Time zone
Set time zone according to users location, Beijing time
zone is GMT:+8:00
use for socket calls which will block while doing the
SNTP query, default value is 60 seconds
Manual Time set
Manual set date and time
6.11.5 System Reboot
Once any change of phone configuration is made, users need to reset IP
phone to go into effect. Users should save the modified configuration before