Read Tags from Stick
In order to download information recorded from the Stick Reader to the computer,
use the ‘Read Tags from Stick’ option. This will option will download the file to the
computer in a CSV (comma separated values) file. This file records the information in
a way that can be easily imported into a spreadsheet or database application.
To do this, click the ‘Read Tags from Stick’ option. A notepad file will open displaying
data stored on the stick to keep this data you must select where to save and what to
name the file. The file can be named anything but an easily recognizable name such
as one including the date of downloading is recommended.
Erasing tags from Stick
The ‘Erase Tags from Stick’ option causes all animal data on the stick to be removed.
A warning will be show to confirm that all information will be erased. If yes is selected,
all information will be wiped.
Use this option to exit the Stick Reader software.