C. Specifications
Model ZQ-570
Display 119 x 80 dot matrix liquid crystal
display plus LCD flag
Electronic unit section
Applications Calendar, Schedule, To Do, Anniversary,
Telephone, User File, Memo, Expense,
Expense Report, Clock, Calculation,
Memory capacity 256KB (User area: Approx. 21OKbytes)
Schedule application capacity:
Approx. 2830 entries
Tel application capacity:
Approx. 2750 entries
These capacities assume
average entry sizes and only apply
when all the available memory is
Schedule: 32 characters/entry
Tel: 16 characters/entry in the
name field
12 characters/entry in the
number field
Maximum data size
per entry
User interfaces
Other features
Calculator digits 12
Functions Addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, constant, square root,
percent, memory calculation, cost/sell/
margin calculation, cost/sell/markup
calculation, conversion calculation.
Crystal oscillation
Display information
Time system
Other functions
Approx. 2000 bytes
Secret function, data transfer, search
function, help function, et al.
32,768 Hz
Average variance per day, 2 seconds
Year, month, day, day of the week,
hours, minutes, AM/PM, city names.
12-hour or 24-hour
Display of date and time for various
cities around the world.
Enable/disable daylight saving time.