background image


Information on Proper Disposal

Your product 
is marked 
with this 
It means 
that used 
electrical and 
should not 
be mixed 
with general 
waste. There 
is a separate 
for these 

A. Information on Disposal for Users (private households)

1. In the European Union

Attention: If you want to dispose of this equipment, please do not 

use the ordinary dustbin! 

Used electrical and electronic equipment must be treated separately 

and in accordance with legislation that requires proper treatment, 

recovery and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment.

Following the implementation by member states, private households 

within the EU states may return their used electrical and electronic 

equipment to designated collection facilities free of charge*. 

In some countries* your local retailer may also take back your old 

product free of charge if you purchase a similar new one.

*) Please contact your local authority for further details.

If your used electrical or electronic equipment has batteries or 

accumulators, please dispose of these separately beforehand 

according to local requirements.

By disposing of this product correctly you will help ensure that the 

waste undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and recycling 

and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and 

human health which could otherwise arise due to inappropriate 

waste handling.

2. In other Countries outside the EU

If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local 

authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.  

For Switzerland: Used electrical or electronic equipment can be 

returned free of charge to the dealer, even if you don’t purchase a 

new product. Further collection facilities are listed on the homepage 

of or

B. Information on Disposal for Business Users

1. In the European Union

If the product is used for business purposes and you want to discard 


Please contact your SHARP dealer who will inform you about the 

take-back of the product. You might be charged for the costs arising 

from take-back and recycling. Small products (and small amounts) 

might be taken back by your local collection facilities.

For Spain: Please contact the established collection system or your 

local authority for take-back of your used products.

2. In other Countries outside the EU

If you wish to discard of this product, please contact your local 

authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.

Informationen zur Batterieentsorgung 

Die für dieses Produkt mitgelieferte Batterie kann Spuren von Blei 


Für die EU: Die durchgestrichene Abfalltonne bedeutet, dass 

gebrauchte Batterien nicht mit dem Haushaltsmüll entsorgt werden 

sollten! Es gibt getrennte Sammelsysteme für gebrauchte Batterien, 

welche eine ordnungsgemäße Behandlung und Verwertung 

entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben erlauben. Weitere Einzelheiten 

erhalten Sie von IhrerGemeindeverwaltung.

Für die Schweiz: Die gebrauchte Batterie kann an der Verkaufsstelle 

zurückgegeben werden.

Für andere Nicht-EU Staaten: Bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei Bedarf 

bei Ihrer Gemeindeverwaltung nach weiteren Informationen zur 

Entsorgung von gebrauchten Batterien.

Information sur la mise au rebut de la pile

Les piles/accus fournies avec ce produit peuvent contenir des traces 

de Plomb. 

Au sein de l’Union Européenne : Le symbole de la poubelle sur 

roues barrée laisse supposer que les piles/accus usagées ne 

doivent pas être mélangées avec les déchets ménagers! Il existe 

un mode de collecte séparé pour les piles/accus usagées, ce qui 

permet d’effectuer un traitement et un recyclage en accord avec 

la législation. Veuillez contacter une autorité locale pour plus de 

renseignements sur le système mis en place.

Pour la Suisse : Les piles/accus usagées doivent être retournées 

chez votre détaillant.

Pour les pays hors Union Européenne : Veuillez contacter une 

autorité locale a


 n de connaître la bonne méthode à utiliser pour la 

collecte de vos  piles/accus usagées.

Información sobre la eliminación de la batería

Las baterías suministradas con este producto contienen peque



cantidades de Plomo. 

Para EU: El contenedor de basura con ruedas tachado indica que las 

baterías usadas no deberían mezclarse con los residuos domésticos 

generales. Existe un sistema de recogida independiente de baterías 

usadas, para permitir un correcto tratamiento y reciclado de acuerdo 

con la legislación vigente. Por favor póngase en contacto con el 

sistema de recogida establecido o con las autoridades locales para 

la recogida selectiva de las baterías usadas.

Para Suiza: Las baterías usadas deben ser retornadas al punto de 


Para otros países fuera de la Unión Europea: Por favor póngase en 

contacto con las autoridades locales para un correcto procedimiento 

de eliminación de las baterías usadas.

Information om batteriavyttring

Batteriet som följer med denna produkt kan inneh


lla sp


r av Bly.

För EU: Batteriet är märkt med den överkorsade soptunnan vilket 

betyder att det inte ska kastas i det vanliga hush


llsavfallet. Det 



ett separat insamlingssystem för batterier för att underlätta korrekt 

behandling och 


tervinning enligt gällande lagstiftning. Kontakta 

kommunen för vidare information om insamling och 



För Schweiz: Använda batterier lämnas till inköpsstället.

För länder utanför EU: Kontakta de lokala myndigheterna för 

information om gällande sorterings- och 


tervinningsföreskrifter om 

du behöver göra dig av med ett använt batteri.

Informazioni sullo smaltimento della batteria

La batteria fornita con questo prodotto contiene tracce di Piombo.

Per EU: Il cassonetto barrato indica che le batterie usate non devono 

essere gettate assieme ai ri


 uti domestici! Vi è un sistema di raccolta 

differenziata per le batterie usate, che consente il loro corretto 

trattamento e riciclo secondo quanto previsto dalle leggi vigenti. 

Vi prego di contattare le locali autorità per i dettagli del sistema di 

raccolta e riciclaggio.

Per la Svizzera: Le batterie usate devono essere restituite al punto 


Per altri Stati non-EU: Vi prego di contattare le autorità locali per 

conoscere il metodo corretto di conferimento delle batterie usate.

Informatie over afvalverwerking van batterijen

De batterij die bij dit toestel geleverd wordt bevat sporen van Lood. 

Voor EU: De doorgestreepte vuilnisbak op wieltjes duidt aan dat 

de gebruikte batterijen niet mogen terechtkomen in het gewone 

huishoudelijke afval. Er bestaat een gescheiden ophaalsysteem 

voor deze gebruikte batterijen om eigen behandeling en recyclage 

volgens de wetgeving toe te laten. Gelieve de locale autoriteiten te 

contacteren voor de details van ophaling en recyclage.

Voor Zwitserland: De gebruikte batterij moet bij hetverkooppunt 

teruggebracht worden.

Voor andere niet EU landen: Gelieve contact op te nemen met uw 

locale autoriteiten voor de correcte methode van verwerking van de 

gebruikte batterijen.



o sobre Eliminaç


o de Pilhas

A bateria fornecida com este produto contém traços de chumbo.

Para a Uni


o Europeia: O contentor de rodas traçado signi


 ca que 

as baterias usadas n


o dever


o ser colocadas junto com o lixo 

doméstico! Existe um sistema de separaç


o próprio para baterias 

usadas, para permitir um tratamento e reciclagem própria de acordo 

com a legislaç


o em vigor. Por favor contacte as autoridades locais 

para mais detalhes nos esquemas de recolha e reciclagem.

Para a Suíça: As baterias usadas dever


o ser devolvidas ao ponto 

de venda.

Para os outros países fora da Uni


o Europeia: Por favor contacte 

a sua autoridade local para o método correcto de disposiç


o das 

baterias usadas.

Tietoja paristojen hävittämisestä

Tämän tuotteen mukana oleva paristo/akku saattaa sisältää jäänteitä 


EU-maat: Paristo/akku on merkitty yliviivatun roskasäiliön symbolilla, 

mikä tarkoittaa, että sitä ei saa hävittää kotitalouden yleisjätteiden 

kanssa. Paristoille/akuille on olemassa erillinen keräysjärjestelmä, 

joka helpottaa niiden asiamukaista käsittelyä ja lainmukaista 

kierrätystä. Ota yhteys kuntaviranomaisiin saadaksesi lisätietoa 

keräyksestä ja kierrätyksestä.

Sveitsi: Käytetyt paristot/akut palautetaan ostopaikkaan.

EU:n ulkopuoliset maat: Ota yhteys paikallisviranomaisiin saadaksesi  

lisätietoa  voimassa  olevista  lajittelu-  ja kierrätyssäädöksistä ja 

ohjeet käytetyn pariston/akun hävittämiseen.

Information on Battery Disposal

The battery supplied with this product contains traces of Lead. 

For EU: The crossed-out wheeled bin implies that used batteries 

should not be put to the general household waste! There is a separate 

collection system for used batteries, to allow proper treatment and 

recycling in accordance with legislation. Please contact your local 

authority for details on the collection and recycling schemes.

For Switzerland: The used battery is to be returned to the selling 


For other non-EU countries: Please contact your local authority for 

correct method of disposal of the used battery.

XL-HF202_302_COMMON.indd   viii

XL-HF202_302_COMMON.indd   viii

2013-07-19   07:18:05

2013-07-19   07:18:05

Summary of Contents for XL-HF202PH

Page 1: ...DE COMPONENTE HI FI HI FI KOMPONENTTIJÄRJESTELMÄ HI FI COMPONENT SYSTEM DEUTSCH PORTUGUÊS FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL SVENSKA ITALIANO NEDERLANDS SUOMI ENGLISH Siehe Seiten i bis viii und D 1 bis D 22 Se reporter aux pages i à viii et F 1 à F 22 Consulte las páginas i a viii y S 1 a S 22 Hänvisa till sidorna i till viii och V 1 till V 22 Leggere le pagine i a viii e I 1 a I 22 Raadpleeg de bladzijden i t m v...

Page 2: ...formidade pod ser consultada em http www sharp de doc XL HF202PH_XL HF302PH pdf SHARP Electronics vakuuttaa täten että SHARP Hi Fi komponenttijärjestelmäXL HF202PH S XL HF202PH BK XL HF302PH T tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999 5 EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen Vakuutus on nähtävissä osoitteessa http www sharp de doc XL HF202PH_XL HF302PH pdf Hereb...

Page 3: ...t in use for a long period Når ON STAND BY knappen er sat i STAND BY positionen er der stadig netspaending til stede i apparatet Når ON STAND BY knappen er sat i STAND BY position kan apparatet startes v hj a timer funksionen eller fjernbetjeningen Advarsel Apparatet indeholder ingen dele der kan repareres af brugeren selv Fjern aldrig kabinettet med mindre De er kvalificeret hertil Apparatet inde...

Page 4: ...Varoitus Älä vie laitetta sateeseen tai kosteisiin tiloihin Jos laite on kostunut anna sen kuivua ennen kuin käytät sitä verkkovirralla Nestettä sisältäviä astioita kuten esim kukkamaljakoita ei saa asettaa laitteen päälle Dieses Produkt ist ein Laserprodukt der Klasse 1 Ce produit est classifié comme étant un LASER DE CLASSE 1 Este producto está clasificado como un PRODUCTO LÁSER DE CLASE 1 Denna...

Page 5: ...n iPod iPhone eller iPad och har certifierats av utvecklaren för att tillfredsställa Apples prestandanormer Apple ansvarar inte för användning av denna apparat eller dess överensstämmelse med säkerhetsnormer och föreskrifter Observera att användning av detta tillbehör med iPod iPhone eller iPad kan påverka den trådlösa prestandan Made for iPod Made for iPhone e Made for iPad significano che un acc...

Page 6: ...A marca e logo Bluetooth são marcas registadas propriedade da Bluetooth SIG Inc e o uso de tais marcas pelaSHARPéfeitomediantelicença Outrasmarcasenomes de marcas pertencem aos seus legítimos proprietários Bluetooth sanamerkki ja logot ovat Bluetooth SIG Inc yhtiön omistamia tavaramerkkejä ja kaikkien SHARP tällaisten merkkien käyttö on lisenssin alaista muut tavaramerkit ja kauppamerkit ovat vast...

Page 7: ...ndeur SHARP qui vous informera des conditions de reprise du produit Les frais de reprise et de recyclage pourront vous être facturés Les produits de petite taille et en petites quantités pourront être repris par vos organisations de collecte locales Espagne veuillez contacter l organisation de collecte existante ou votre administration locale pour les modalités de reprise de vos produits usagés 2 ...

Page 8: ... recycling moet betalen Kleine producten en kleine hoeveelheden kunnen door de lokale inzamelingsinrichtingen worden verwerkt Voor Spanje Neem contact op met de inzamelingsinrichting of de lokale autoriteiten voor de terugname van uw afgedankte producten 2 In andere landen buiten de Europese Unie Als u dit product wilt weggooien neem dan contact op met de plaatselijke autoriteiten voor informatie ...

Page 9: ...cto tratamiento y reciclado de acuerdo con la legislación vigente Por favor póngase en contacto con el sistema de recogida establecido o con las autoridades locales para la recogida selectiva de las baterías usadas Para Suiza Las baterías usadas deben ser retornadas al punto de venta Para otros países fuera de la Unión Europea Por favor póngase en contacto con las autoridades locales para un corre...

Page 10: ...e is required For details please visit http mp3licensing com MPEG Layer 3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson Accessories The following accessories are included Remote control x 1 RRMCGA334AWZZ AA size battery UM SUM 3 R6 HP 7 or similar x 1 Stand for iPad x 1 NFC tag x 2 Speaker wires x 2 for XL HF202PH S XL HF202PH BK Speaker wires x 2 for XL HF302PH T FM aerial x 1 ...

Page 11: ...loths curtains etc No naked flame sources such as lighted candles should be placed on the apparatus Attention should be drawn to the environmental as pects of battery disposal This unit should only be used within the range of 5 C 35 C 41 F 95 F The apparatus is designed for use in moderate cli mates Warning The voltage used must be the same as that specified on this unit Using a higher voltage is ...

Page 12: ... Button 12 14 36 RDS Display Button 16 37 RDS PTY Button 16 38 Bluetooth Play Pause Button 8 39 Bluetooth Pairing Button 8 Display Page 1 USB Indicator 14 2 iPod Indicators 10 3 CD Indicator 12 4 MP3 Indicator 13 5 WMA Indicator 13 6 RDM Random Indicator 12 7 MEM Memory Indicator 13 8 Repeat Indicator 13 9 Play Pause Indicator 12 10 Tuning FM Indicator 15 11 FM Stereo Mode Indicator 15 12 Stereo S...

Page 13: ...tand by demonstration mode Bluetooth Stby will be displayed To cancel the Bluetooth stand by demonstration mode press the DEMO button remote control dur ing power stand by mode The unit will enter the low power consumption mode To return to the Bluetooth stand by demonstration mode press the DEMO button again During Bluetooth stand by condition NFC function is ac tivated once your device touch the...

Page 14: ...unit with the volume set to 27 or higher the volume starts at 16 and fades in to the last set level Volume control Turn the volume knob towards VOLUME main unit or press VOL remote control to increase or decrease the volume Muting To mute the volume press the button remote control Press again to restore the volume Direct key power on function When you press any of the following buttons the unit tu...

Page 15: ...tep 2 step 4 for selecting the 24 hour or 12 hour display will be skipped To change the 24 hour or 12 hour display 1 Clear all the programmed contents Refer to Factory reset clearing all memory on page 21 for details 2 Perform Setting the clock from step 1 onwards Setting the clock Remote control only Bluetooth one touch connection via NFC About NFC technology Near Field Communication NFC is a set...

Page 16: ... set SHARP provides 2 identical tags for your convenience SHARP will not be held liable for the damages caused by rewriting the tags Keep all small parts away from children as they may be accidentally swallowed 1 Peel the separator off the velcro tape loop type and stick it on a desired surface Separator Velcro tape loop type 2 Peel the separator off the velcro tape hook type and stick it to the r...

Page 17: ...on may be heard The transmission distance of the wireless signal be tween the device and the main unit is about 10 m 32 but may vary depending on your operating environment If a steel concrete or metallic wall is between the device and the main unit the system may not operate at all because the wireless signal cannot penetrate metal If this unit or the source device is turned off before Blue tooth...

Page 18: ...tion 3 Connect the device Smartphone Tablet to the unit USB Media will be displayed 4 Press the play button on main unit remote control or device Notes If the source device has an extra bass or equalizer function set them to off If these functions are on sound may be distorted Incoming calls will pause the playback application Once the calls are answered the conversation can only be heard through ...

Page 19: ...iPod iPhone or iPad Connector iPad 2 Place the iPad to the stand for iPad iPad Stand for iPad 3 Connect the iPod iPhone or iPad to the unit via USB connector USB Note USB terminal do not support VIDEO out iPod iPhone or iPad playback USB terminal 1 Press the ON STAND BY button to turn the power on 2 Press the USB button remote control or FUNCTION button repeatedly main unit to select USB function ...

Page 20: ...emote control Adjusting the volume on the iPod iPhone or iPad units give no effect iPod iPhone and iPad operations The operations described below depend on the generation iPod iPhone and iPad you are using System on operation When the main unit is powered on the iPod iPhone or iPad units will automatically power on when docked or connected to the unit System off stand by operation When the main un...

Page 21: ...playback from the paused point Stop Press in the playback mode Track up down Press in the playback or stop mode If you press the button in the stop mode press the button to start the desired track Fast forward reverse Press and hold down in the playback mode Release the button to resume playback Direct track search Use the Numeric buttons remote control to select the desired track while playing th...

Page 22: ... tracks Up to 32 tracks can be programmed 5 Press the CD USB button to start playback To cancel the programmed play mode During programmed stop mode press the CD but ton The display will show Memory Clear and all the pro grammed contents will be cleared Adding tracks to the programme If a programme has been previously stored the MEM indicator will be displayed Press the MEMORY button Then follow s...

Page 23: ...ystem iPod iPhone and iPad is not prone to this condition This USB memory cannot be operated via USB hub The USB terminal in this unit is not intended for a PC connection External HDD storage cannot be played back via USB terminal If the data inside the USB memory is large it may take longer time for the data to be read This product can play WMA and MP3 files It will au tomatically detect the file...

Page 24: ...n in memory If the MEM and preset number indicators disappear before the station is memorised repeat the operation from step 2 5 Repeat steps 1 4 to set other stations or to change a preset station When a new station is stored in the memory the station previously memorised for that preset channel number will be erased Note The backup function protects the memorised stations for a few hours should ...

Page 25: ... operation erase the preset memory If no station have been stored in memory END will appear for about 4 seconds If the RDS signals are very weak station names may not be stored in memory The same station name can be stored in different channels In a certain area or during certain time periods the station names may be different Notes for RDS operation If any of the following events occur it does no...

Page 26: ... timer play works for one time only at a preset time Daily timer DAILY indicator Daily timer play works at the same preset time every day that we set For example set the timer as a wake up call every morning Using the once timer and daily timer in combination For example use the once timer to listen to a radio pro gramme and use the daily timer to wake up 1 Set the daily and once timer pages 17 18...

Page 27: ... will not be cancelled Reusing the memorised timer setting The timer setting will be memorised once it is entered To reuse the same setting perform the following operations 1 Turn the power on Press and hold the CLOCK TIMER button 2 Within 10 seconds press the or button to select Once or Daily and press the ENTER button 3 Within 10 seconds press the or button to select Timer On and press the ENTER...

Page 28: ...Troubleshooting chart If something is wrong with this product check the following before calling your authorised SHARP dealer or service centre General Symptom Possible cause The clock is not set to the correct time A power failure occurred Reset the clock Refer page 6 When a button is pressed the unit does not respond Set the unit to the power stand by mode and then turn it back on If the unit st...

Page 29: ...s there any MP3 WMA file available Is the device properly connected Is it an MTP device Does the device contain AAC file only Playback does not start Is it a copyright protected WMA file Is it a false MP3 file Wrong time display Wrong file name display Is Variable Bitrate file being played back Is the File Name written in Chinese or Japanese characters Tuner Symptom Possible cause The radio makes ...

Page 30: ...p solution then with a dry cloth Caution Do not use chemicals for cleaning petrol paint thin ner etc It may damage the cabinet Do not apply oil to the inside of the unit It may cause malfunctions Specifications As part of our policy of continuous improvement SHARP reserves the right to make design and specification chang es for product improvement without prior notice The per formance specificatio...

Page 31: TITLE ARTIST and ALBUM only Supports ID3TAG version 1 and version 2 File system support Support USB devices with Microsoft Windows DOS FAT 12 FAT 16 FAT 32 2 kbyte block length for sector Tuner Frequency range FM 87 5 108 MHz Preset 40 FM station Speaker XL HF202PH Type 2 way type speaker system 2 5 cm 1 Dome Tweeter 12 cm 4 3 4 woofer Maximum input power 100 W Rated input power 50 W Impedance ...

Page 32: ...13H R MW 1 TINSZB548AWZZ TINSZB548AWZZ G ...
