Sharp R-671 Operation Manual With Cookbook Download Page 29




92026, Favara (Ag), Tel: 0922-420311, Fax: 0922-421545 / 

Cuppari Electr

., Via S.Agostino Is 265, 98100, Messina, Tel: 090-672064, Fax:

090-672065 / 

Di Fonzo F.E Figli Snc

, Via Ruggero Loria 4/6, 90100, Palermo, Tel: 091-363578, Fax: 091-362853 / 

Elettronica Di Di


,  Via Carlentini 40/A, 96100, Siracusa, Tel: 0931-758602, Fax: 0931-758602 / 

Tecnica Sud S.N.C.

, V,Le Regina Elena 225/227,

98100, Messina, Tel: 090-40037, Fax: 090-52831 / 

Tecnico Siracusana

, V.P.Novelli 71, 96100, Siracusa, Tel: 0931-39440, Fax: 0931-

36294 / 

Torrisi Michele

, Via Novara 45, 95128, Catania, Tel: 095-445561, Fax: 095-448628 / 

Vullo Michele

, Via Gorizia 16, 93100,

Caltanissetta, Tel: 0934-551367, Fax: 0934-551367 / 

A.T.E.S. Di Zappia L.

, Via Torino 3/A, 57124, Livorno, Tel: 0586-859566, Fax: 0586-

859565 / 

Belcari Nolberto

, Via J. Gagarin 70, 56012, Pisa, Tel: 0587-420273, Fax: 0587-420273 / 

Centi Franco

, Va Bronzino 19/21-R,

50142, Firenze, Tel: 055-710388, Fax: 055-710388 / 

Cre  Carradori Snc

,  Via Dei Macelli 1, 51100, Pistoia, Tel: 0573-28284, Fax: 0573-

32413 / 

D’amicis Gennaro

, Via P.Pisana 71, 57100, Livorno,  Tel: 0586-400564, Fax: 0586-409724 / 

Elettronica Rnp

, Via Romana 731,

55100, Lucca, Tel: 0583-956225, Fax: 0583-956225 / 

Goti Arcangelo

, Via Magellano 42/A, 52100, Arezzo, Tel: 0575-900819, Fax: 0575-

900819 / 

Lab.Riparaz. Falchi M.

, Via A. Garibaldi 22-D, 57025, Piombino (Li), Tel: 0565-49400, Fax: 0565-227161 / 

Lab.Tv Arrighi

, Via

F.Lli Cervi 26/28, 50057, P.A Elsa Empoli(Fi), Tel: 0571-931327, Fax: 571931327 / 

M2  Elettronica

, Via Danimarca 3, 58100, Grosseto, Tel:

0564-454571, Fax: 0564-454571 / 

Na.To.Ma Snc

, Via Del Sabotino 13, 58100, Grosseto, Tel: 0564-456229, Fax: 0564-456229 /


, Via B. Tolomei 9, 53100, Siena, Tel: 0577-51159, Fax: 0577-589454 / 

Saec Di Coppa

, Via Degli Artigiani 36, 54100, Massa,

Tel: 0585-251724, Fax: 585791177 / 

Tele Service Di Benvenuti

, Via F. Busoni 3/B, 50018, Scandicci, Tel: 055-753974, Fax: 055-7350267

Videoservice Di Genuardi

, Via Borgaccio 72, 53036, Poggibonsi (Si), Tel: 0577-983181, Fax: 0577-996382 / 

Bardazzi Paolo

, Via

Forlanini 8dr, 500127, Firenze, Tel: 055-4376776, Fax: 055-431956 / 

Dal  Pozzo Enzo

, Via Barletta 8, 39100, Bolzano, Tel: 0471-913290,

Fax: 0471-913290 / 

Melone Giuseppe

, Via Zara 44, 38100, Trento, Tel: 0461-235166, Fax: 0461-267210 / 

Sighel Mauro

, Via A. Volta

92, 38100, Trento, Tel: 0461-935919, Fax: 0461-935919 / 

Tecnoservice Snc

, Via San Vigilio 64/B-C-D-, 39100, Bolzano, Tel: 0471-289062,

Fax: 0471-261559 / 

Quondam C. Stefano

, Via Del Rivo 33, 05100, Terni, Tel: 0744-301512, Fax: 0744-301512 / 

Tecnoconsult Elettr.


Via Madonna Alta 185, 06100, Perugia, Tel: 075-5003089, Fax: 075-5003089 / 

C.A.T. Di D’isanto

, C.So  Ivrea 82/A, 11100, Aosta, Tel:

0165-364056, Fax: 0165-235910 / 

Ass.Elettr.Campi Snc

, Via E.Reginato 87, 31100, Treviso, Tel: 0422-436245, Fax: 0422-435996 / 


Assistenza Tecnica

, Via Mondin 11, 32100, Belluno, Tel: 0437-30240, Fax: 0437-939916 / 

Dl Service Di Dal Lago

, Via Giaretta 33,

36100, Vicenza, Tel: 0444-566662, Fax: 0444-966239 / 

G.F.L.  S.R.L.

, Via D. De Massari 10, 37045, Legnago, Tel: 0442-602020, Fax:

0442-602021 / 

L’elettronica Piu’ Snc

, Via Gaspare Campo18, 45100, Rovigo, Tel: 0425-33221, Fax: 0425-33221 / 

Pieffe Di Premier F.


Via Zermanese 6/B, 31100, Treviso, Tel: 0422-321054, Fax: 0422-321054 / 

Pierezza Carlo

, Via Barroccio Dal Borgo 4, 35100, Padova, Tel:

049-8643266, Fax: 049-8643266 / 

Sat Di Galber E C. Snc

, Via Catarinetti 1/E, 37136, Verona, Tel: 045-509609, Fax: 045-509699 /

Speedy Service

, Viale Europa 42/B, 36016, Thiene  Vi, Tel: 0445-368235, Fax: 0445-379028 / 

Tecno Futura Di Rossi

, Via Delfinato 8

(Laboratorio), 35127, Camin  (Pd), Tel: 049-9129469, Fax: 049-9126147 / 

Video Service

, Via Vitruvio 11, 37100, Verona, Tel: 045-566299,

Fax: 045-573865 / 

Video Tv 17323

, Via S. Marco 1818, 30019, Sttomarina ( Ve), Tel: 041-5541675, Fax: 041-5541675 / 



, Via Dell’industria 18, 30020, Gruaro (Ve), Tel: 0421-74472, Fax: 0421-72923 / 

Zaffalon Urbano

, Cas.Calle Corraz. 3849, 30122,

Venezia, Tel: 041-2750670, Fax: 041-2757273

En caso de una reclamación con vuestra SHARP Microwave, preguntan por favor la casa dónde han comprado su máquina
o infórmanse en una de las SHARP Service casas siguientes.
Merino Nicolas Jose A.

, - 945/ 25.18.92 - Av Judizmendi  24, 01003 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava / 


- 96/585.24.60, Cl Del Vent  9,

03500 Benidorm, Alicante / 

Telecom  Electronica

- 96/539.50.21, Cl Hernan Cortes  8, 03600 Elda, Alicante / 

Eurosat, S.L.


96/525.80.40, Cl Montero Rios 33 03013 Alicante / 

Electronica Gomez

- 96/ 546.75.81, Cl Baltasar Tristany 100, 03201 Elche, Alicante /

Angel Avellan Puig

- 965/ 21.32.55, Cl Poeta Quintana 13, 03004 Alicante / 

Electronica Eler

- 965/ 25.63.32, Cl Pinoso 8, 03012

Alicante / 


, Cb - 971/ 36.53.18, Cl Pintor Calbo 30, 07703 Mahon, Baleares (Menorca) / 

Reparaciones Ortega

- 971/ 39.01.55, Cl

Via Punica 33, 07800  Ibiza, Baleares  (Ibiza).  / 

Audio Imagen

- 971/ 31.46.59, Cl Jose Riquer Llobet 8, 07800 Ibiza, Baleares (Ibiza) /

Irtesa Electronica

- 971/ 20.47.02, Cl Jaume Ferran 72 Bjos, 07004 Palma De Mallorca, Baleares (Mallorca) / 

Instalaciones Maes

, S.L -

971/ 27.49.47, Cl Son Nadal 63, 07008 Palma De Mallorca, Baleares (Mallorca) / 

Electron. Pons Gomila Sa

- 971/ 37.22.76, Cr Nueva

162, 07730 Alayor, Baleares (Menorca) / 

Jose Marques Anglada,S.L.

- 971/ 38.54.54, Cl Lepanto 19, 07760 Ciudadela, Baleares

(Menorca) / 

Anoia Electrovisio

- 93/ 805.11.90, Av Balmes 12, 08700 Igualada, Barcelona / 

Audio Vision

- 385.78.08, Cl Mare Deu

Montserrat 22, 08922 Sta.Coloma, Barcelona / 

Sac-2, S.C.P.

- 331.77.54, Cl Riera Blanca 113, 08028 Barcelona / 


- 465.22.00, Av

Morera 5, 08915 Badalona / 


- 821.30.03, Cl Gral. Manso Sola  31, 08600 Berga, Barcelona / 

Servinters, S.C.C.L.

- 389.44.60

- Pz Casagemes 20, 08911 Badalona / 

Tecnik’s, S.C.P.

- 630.11.20, Cl Joan Bardina 32, 08830 Sant Boi De Ll, Barcelona / 

Ce. Va. Sat, S.C.

- 785.51.11, Cr Matadepera 87, 08225 Terrassa, Barcelona / 

Laurea S.A.T.

- 889.02.48, Cl Guilleries Bis 20, 08500 Vic, Barcelona / 

Ce. Va.

Sat, S.C.

- 710.76.13, Ps Rubio I Ors  105, 08203 Sabadell, Barcelona / 

Villaret Polo Ramon

- 798.02.48, Cl Moli De Vent 21, 08303

Mataro, Barcelona / 

Estarlich Pradas Vicente

- 766.22.33, Cl Industria 131, 08370 Calella, Barcelona / 


- 93/ 454.99.08, Cl

Villarroel 44, 08011 Barcelona / 


- 872.85.42, Cl Bruch 55, 08240 Manresa, Barcelona / 

Pulgar I Edo S.L.

- 93/ 436.44.11, Cl

Castillejos 333, 08025 Barcelona / 

Electronica Mateos

- 849.28.77, Cr De Caldas (Bajos) 76, 08400 Granollers, Barcelona / 


Robles Sanchez

- 872.55.41, Cl Sant Bartomeu  42, 08240 Manresa, Barcelona / 

Top Electronica

, 890.35.91, Cl Misser Rufet  4  Bjos,

08720 Vilafranca Penedes, Barcelona / 

La Clinica Del Electrod.

, 93/ 236.44.11, Cl Balmes 160, 08008 Barcelona / 

Fix  Servicio  Tecnico


675.59.02, Cl Sant Ramon 3  L-2, 08190 Sant Cugat Valles, Barcelona / 

Sonitev Electronica

, C.B., 815.74.44, Cl Aigua 143, 08800 Vilanova

I Geltru, Barcelona / 

Totvisio Electronica S.L.

, 873.88.81, Pj Ferrer 14, 08240 Manresa, Barcelona / 

4 En 1 Reparaciones

, 430.97.2, Cl

Taquigrafo Marti  19, 08028 Barcelona / 

Movilfrit  S.A.

, 93/ 630.14.53, Cl Osca  11-C Pol.Salinas, 08830 Sant Boi De Ll., Barcelona / 


Servei  Bruc  S.L.

, 93/ 207.08.08, Cl Rossello 289, 08037 Barcelona / 

Sabe Electronica

, 964/ 21.52.65, Cl Joaquin Costa  46, 12004

Castellon / 


, 964/ 45.44.65, Cl Carrero 29, 12500 Vinaros, Castellon / 

Asiste, S.L.

, 964/ 21.57.69, Av De

Valencia  Nave 19, 12006 Castellon / 


, 971/ 32.27.62, Cl Ibiza  12, 07860 San Fco. Javier, Formentera / 

Reparaciones Pilsa


, 972/ 20.66.96, Cl J. Pascual I Prats 8, 17004  Gerona / 


, 972/ 26.55.19, Ps De Barcelona 12, 17800 Olot, Girona / 


Puig Juan

, 972/ 50.67.54, Cl Pou Artesia 4, 17600 Figueres, Girona / 

Riera Daviu

, 972/ 50.32.64, Cl Torras Y Bages 19, 17600 Figueres,

Girona / 

Lavison, C.B.

, 972/ 23.01.22, Cl Montseny 35, 17005 Girona / 

Monje Ure#A Manuel

, 972/ 70.25.52, Cl Sant Quinti 33,

17534 Ribes De Freser, Girona / 

Estudios 3

, C.B., 943/ 45.37.97, Pz De Los Estudios 3, 20011 San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa / 



, 943/ 70.24.37, Cl Zezenbide 4, 20600 Eibar, Guipuzcoa / 

Reparaciones Urruti  S.L.

, 943/ 45.84.10, Ps Aintzieta  32,

20014 San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa / 


, 974/ 31.34.44, Cl Estadilla 6, 22300 Barbastro, Huesca / 


, 974/ 21.00.14, Cl

Baltasar Gracian  5, 22002 Huesca / 


, 974/ 36.32.97, Cl Teruel 6, 22700 Jaca, Huesca / 


, 974/ 22.01.39, Cl Tenerias

20, 22001 Huesca / 


, 973/ 50.08.48, Av Raval Del Carme 12, 25300 Tarrega, Lerida / 

Ielsa, C.B.

, 973/ 24.71.27, Cl Tarragona 40,

25005 Lleida / 


, 973/ 27.08.26, Cl Vallcalent  32, 25006 Lleida / 


, 948/ 82.74.34, Cl Fuente Canonigos  5, 31500 Tudela,

R-671-English Final  14/12/2001  9:09  Page 27

Summary of Contents for R-671

Page 1: ... AUTO AUTO DEF COOK WATT Kg STOP 1min R 671 ENGLISH R 671 R 671F MICROWAVE OVEN WITH TOP AND BOTTOM GRILL OPERATION MANUAL WITH COOKBOOK 800W IEC 60705 Important R 671 English Final 14 12 2001 9 08 Page A ...

Page 2: ...R 671 English Final 14 12 2001 9 08 Page B ...

Page 3: ...COOK CHART 16 18 AUTO DEFROST CHART 18 19 OTHER CONVENIENT FUNCTIONS 20 21 CARE AND CLEANING 22 SERVICE CALL CHECK 23 SERVICE ADDRESSES 24 29 SPECIFICATIONS 30 OPERATION MANUAL This operation manual contains important information which you should read carefully before using your microwave oven IMPORTANT There may be a serious risk to health if this operation manual is not followed or if the oven i...

Page 4: ... shaft on the floor of the cavity Before first using the turntable and the rack clean with mild soapy water Do not cut or scratch the turntable WARNING The accessories e g turntable will become very hot during Grill Dual and Automatic operation except Auto Defrost modes Always use thick oven gloves when removing the food or turntable from the oven to prevent burns 1 2 3 4 10 11 13 8 9 8 7 6 5 AUTO...

Page 5: ...WER LEVEL TIME COOK 3 AUTO indicator It will light during automatic operation Operating buttons 4 LESS MORE buttons 5 PIZZA button 6 AUTO COOK button 7 AUTO DEFROST button 8 COOKING MODE selector MICROWAVE cooking see pages 9 10 GRILL cooking see page 11 DUAL cooking see page 12 9 WATT button 10 TIME WEIGHT dial 11 CLOCK SETTING button 12 STOP button 13 1min START button 14 DOOR OPEN button 3 CONT...

Page 6: ...ORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Do not store food or any other items inside the oven Check the settings after you start the oven to ensure the oven is operating as desired See the corresponding hints in the cookery book section To avoid the possibility of injury Do not operate the oven if it is damaged or malfunctioning Check the following before use a The door make sure the door closes properly and en...

Page 7: ...empt to replace the oven lamp yourself or allow anyone who is not an electrician authorised by SHARP to do so If the oven lamp fails please consult your dealer or an authorised SHARP service agent If the power supply cord of this appliance is damaged do not operate the oven it must be replaced by the manufacturer or their service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard A d...

Page 8: ...ce anything on the outer cabinet during operation NOTES 1 If you are unsure how to connect your oven please consult an authorised qualified electrician 2 Neither the manufacturer nor the dealer can accept any liability for damage to the oven or personal injury resulting from failure to observe the correct electrical connection procedure 3 Water vapour or drops may occasionally form on the oven wal...

Page 9: ...e CLOCK SETTING button once 12 H will appear on the display 2 To set the 24 hour clock press the CLOCK SETTING button twice 24 H will appear on the display x2 Example To set the 24 hour clock to 23 35 x2 x1 Press the CLOCK SETTING button twice Enter the minutes by rotating the TIME WEIGHT dial To start the clock press the CLOCK SETTING button once Enter the hours by rotating the TIME WEIGHT dial T...

Page 10: energy save mode does not work To start energy save mode follow the instructions below Example To start the energy save mode the current time is 23 35 Make sure the correct time appears on the display Adjust the display to 0 by rotating the TIME WEIGHT dial x1 Kg WATT Kg 1min Press the CLOCK SETTING button Kg WATT Kg WATT Kg WATT x1 Press 1 min START button The power will be off and the display...

Page 11: ...beef dishes it is advisable to reduce the power setting and increase the cooking time In this way the meat will be more tender P POWER 240 WATT 240P 30 To defrost select a low power setting This ensures that the dish defrosts evenly This setting is also ideal for simmering rice pasta and dumplings 80 WATT 80P 10 For gentle defrosting eg cream gateaux you should select the lowest power setting To s...

Page 12: ...ven for over 2 minutes open and shut the door before programming Example Suppose you want to cook soup for 2 minutes and 30 seconds on 560 watt 70 microwave power Set the COOKING MODE selector to position Enter desired cooking time by rotating the TIME WEIGHT dial clockwise x2 WATT 1min Choose desired power by pressing the WATT button Kg Kg WATT Kg WATT Kg WATT x1 Press 1 min START button once to ...

Page 13: ...e 1min NOTE 1 The rack is recommended for grilling flat pieces of food 2 You may detect smoke or a burning smell when using the grill for the first time This is normal and not a sign that the oven is out of order To avoid this problem when first using the oven operate the grill using the top and bottom grills without food for 20 minutes The turntable must be kept in the oven Important During grill...

Page 14: ...elect power level 400 watt by pressing the WATT button five times Enter desired cooking time by rotating the TIME WEIGHT dial Press the 1 min START button once to begin cooking Display WATT Example Suppose you want to cook for 11 minutes on DUAL 1 combining 400 watt 50 Microwave Power with the Top Grill x5 x1 Kg Kg WATT Kg WATT Kg WATT NOTE 1 After cooking the display will show Hot 2 You may detec...

Page 15: ... to prevent burns 1 Menu can be input by pressing the PIZZA AUTO COOK or AUTO DEFROST button until the desired menu number is displayed 2 The weight of the food can be input by rotating the TIME WEIGHT dial until the desired weight is displayed Enter the weight of the food only Do not include the weight of the container For food weighing more or less than weights quantities given in the cooking ch...

Page 16: the AUTO COOK button 6 times The weight indicator will flash on the display and the AUTO indicator light will come on Enter the weight by rotating TIME WEIGHT dial Press 1min START button to start cooking x6 x1 Kg Kg WATT Kg WATT Kg WATT Display NOTE After cooking except Auto Defrost the display will show Hot 1min R 671 English Final 14 12 2001 9 09 Page 14 ...

Page 17: ...y on the turntable Increasing unit 100 g Initial food Temp 20 C room temperature Recommended menus Homemade Pizza PIZZA RECIPE Ingredients 300 g approx Ready prepared dough Ready mix or roll out dough 200 g approx Tinned tomatoes Basil oregano thyme salt pepper 150 g Topping as desired eg corn ham salami pineapple 50 g Grated cheese Procedure Prepare the pizza according to the recipe below Place d...

Page 18: ...ench Fried Potatoes Quantity 200 300g Utensils Directly on the turntable Increasing unit 50g Initial food Temp 18oC frozen Recommended menus French fried potatoes thin thick for preparation in conventional ovens Procedure Remove deep frozen baguettes with pizza topping from the packaging and place them on the turntable After cooking place on a plate for serving Menu number AC 2 Frozen Baguettes Qu...

Page 19: Wash the tomatoes and remove the stalkes Cut into slices and place on top of the cheese Season with salt pepper and the mixed herbs Drain the Mozzarella cut into slices and place on the tomatoes Spread over the basil Place the gratin dish on the turntable and cook on automatic programme AC 5 Gratinated Fish Fillet Hint After cooking remove the fish from the gratin dish and stir in some sauce ...

Page 20: ... 5 C chilled Recommended menus Assorted meat skewers Procedure Wash the fish fillet and dry Sprinkle with lemon juice and salt Heat together butter and flour in a casserole dish without cover for 1 11 2 mins on 800 watt 100 power Add the milk and stir well Cook again without cover for 3 4 minutes on 800 watt 100 power After cooking stir and season with dill salt and pepper Defrost the broccoli in ...

Page 21: ...ds turn the chicken legs over again After defrosting let the chicken stand wrapped in aluminium foil for 10 30 minutes until it has thoroughly defrosted Procedure Position the food on a plate in a single layer with thinner parts to the centre If portions are frozen together try to separate before defrosting When the audible signal sounds turn the food over and re arrange When the audible signal so...

Page 22: ...n To change MORE to LESS simply press the LESS button To change LESS to MORE simply press the MORE button b Adjusting the heating time whilst oven is operating The cooking time can be decreased or increased in 1 minute steps each time the LESS and MORE buttons are pressed 1min AUTO COOK Kg Choose the desired result well done by pressing the MORE button once Select AUTO COOK Grilled Chicken by pres...

Page 23: ... you press the 1min START button the microwave power is always 800 watt When the COOKING MODE selector is on dual or and you press the 1min START button the microwave power is always 240 watt 3 To avoid misuse by children the 1min START button can be used only within 2 minutes after the preceding operation ie closing the door or pressing the STOP button b Extend the cooking time You can extend the...

Page 24: ...The turntable is dishwasher safe Rack The rack should be washed in a mild washing up liquid solution and dried The rack is dishwasher safe Door To remove all trace of dirt regularly clean both sides of the door and the door seals with a soft damp cloth CAUTION DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANERS ABRASIVE HARSH CLEANERS OR SCOURING PADS ON ANY PART OF YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN WARNING After GRILL DUAL an...

Page 25: ...estions call a Service Technician appointed by SHARP and report the results of your check See inside back cover for details of address IMPORTANT If the display shows nothing until the power plug is properly connected the energy save mode should be carried on To release it open and then close the oven door See page 8 NOTES 1 If you cook the food over the standard time with only the same cooking mod...

Page 26: ...ktrotechnik Oelsnitz GmbH Tel 037298 2677 Fax 037298 2678 12157 Berlin Cranachstraße 2 Michael Kittler Tel 030 85602602 Fax 030 85602603 16866 Kyritz Hamburgerstr 31 Schumacher Haustechnik GmbH Tel 033971 54137 Fax 033971 54137 18055 Rostock Timmermannstrat 5 Hetec Tel 0381 36231 Fax 0381 36231 18435 Stralsund Kedingshäger Straße 78 RDS Haushaltsgeräte GmbH Tel 03831 391426 Fax 03831 390121 20357 ...

Page 27: ...partements desservis 60 77 93 95 ATELIER ROUSSEL 12 Bld Flandre Dunkerque 56100 Lorient Tél 02 97 83 07 41 Fax 02 97 87 02 36 Départements desservis 22 29 35 44 56 C E A T 9 Rue de Venise 21000 Dijon Tél 03 80 66 15 57 Fax 03 80 67 12 36 Départements desservis 10 21 25 39 52 58 71 89 C M T S 38 Rue des Ormeaux 75020 Paris Tél 01 43 70 20 00 Fax 01 43 70 36 46 Départements desservis 75 77 78 91 92 ...

Page 28: ...142 27100 Pavia Tel 0382 525920 Fax 0382 525920 S A R E L Snc Di Giglia Mario Carso 30 27029 Vigevano Pv Tel 0381 344088 Fax 0381 344088 S T A R T Video Hi Fi Via Orti Romani 16 A 26100 Cremona Tel 0372 38731 Fax 0372 38731 Salvadori Claudio Via Del Bosco 44 21052 Busto Arsizio Va Tel 0331 329973 Fax 0331 628727 Service Tva Snc Via Vergnano 59 25127 Brescia Tel 030 349885 Fax 030 349885 Tecnovideo...

Page 29: ...itoria Gasteiz Alava Tele Color 96 585 24 60 Cl Del Vent 9 03500 Benidorm Alicante Telecom Electronica 96 539 50 21 Cl Hernan Cortes 8 03600 Elda Alicante Eurosat S L 96 525 80 40 Cl Montero Rios 33 03013 Alicante Electronica Gomez 96 546 75 81 Cl Baltasar Tristany 100 03201 Elche Alicante Angel Avellan Puig 965 21 32 55 Cl Poeta Quintana 13 03004 Alicante Electronica Eler 965 25 63 32 Cl Pinoso 8...

Page 30: ...Maria Cadiz Servicio Tecnico 956 87 07 05 Cl Divina Pastora E 1 L 4 11402 Jerez La Frontera Cadiz Jose Borja Y Jose Arana 956 66 60 53 Cl San Antonio 31 11201 Algeciras Cadiz Vhifitel 956 46 25 01 Cl Fco Fdez Ordo Ez 5 11600 Ubrique Cadiz Galan Sat S L 956 20 14 17 Cl Cruz Roja Española 11 11009 Cadiz Galan Sat S L 956 83 35 35 Cl Factoria Matagorda 52 11500 Puerto Real Cadiz Electronica Seyma 942...

Page 31: ...tedera Alta 14 45700 Consuegra Toledo Teleservicios 983 30 92 61 Cl Esgueva 6 47003 Valladolid Asist Tecnica Marcos 983 29 78 66 Cl Pio Del Rio Hortega 2 4 47014 Valladolid Electronica Vitelson 983 80 43 56 Pz Del Mercado 9 47400 Medina Del Campo Valladolid R T V Blanco 980 51 14 41 Cl Eduardo Julian Perez 9 49018 Zamora SWITZERLAND Sharp Electronics AG Langwiesenstrasse 7 8108 Dällikon Tel 41 1 8...

Page 32: ...e Uni Gedrukt in Groot Brittannie Stampato in Gran Bretagna Impreso en el Reino Unido SHARP ELECTRONICS EUROPE GMBH Sonninstrasse 3 20097 Hamburg Germany TINS A118URR0 1 Der Zellstoff zur Herstellung dieses Papiers kommt zu 100 aus nachhaltig bewirtschafteten Wäldern Ce papier est entièrement fabriqué à partir de pâte à papier provenant de forêts durables De pulp die gebruik is voor de vervaardigi...
