A39566,Russia R347H O/M,RU
Russia p ag e
03.7.4, 5:28 PM
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Page 1: ...cnhjt ghbujnjdktzbt 7 Edtkbxtzbt dhtvtzb d ghjwtcct dsgjkztzby ghjuhfvvs ghbujnjdktzby 8 Z VBRHJDJKZJDFY GTXM Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb R 347H Fdnjvfnbxtcrbt jgthfwbb 9 Pfvtxfzby jnzjcbntkmzj fdnjvfnbxtcrbü jgthfwbq 9 scnhjt ltqcndbt 9 Herjdjlcndj gj vtz scnhjuj ltqcndby 10 scnhfy hfpvjhjprf 12 Herjdjlcndj gj vtz scnhfy hfpvjhjprf 13 Ghjcnfy hfpvjhjprf 14 Herjdjlcndj gj vtz ghjcnfy hfpvjhjprf 15...
Page 2: ...bb b ghbvtzytvsvb ntüzbxtcrbvb cnfzlfhnfvb Cnhfzf bpujnjdbntkm Ghjbpdtltzj d Nfqkfzlt Abhvf bpujnjdbntkm IFHG Rjhgjhtqiz hblbxtcrbq flhtc bpujnjdbntky 22 22 Zfufqrt xj F tzj re Jcfrf 545 8522 Ygjzby VT10 BZAJHVFWBY J CTHNBABRFWBB GHJLERWBB VBRHJDJKZJDFY GTXM VJLTKM R 347H IFHG cthnbabwbhjdfzf jhufzjv gj cthnbabrfwbb snjdjq äktrnhjzbrb NTCN ÄN Htubcnhfwbjzzsq zjvth d Ujchttcnht HJCC RU 0001 11ME10 ...
Page 3: ...изделия не принимаются и гарантийный ремонт не производится 4 арантия недействительна а если изделие имеет механические повреждения б если изделие ремонтировалось или в нем произведены изменения не в авторизованном сервисном центре в если использовались ненадлежащие расходные материалы или запасные части г если неисправность вызвана попаданием внутрь изделия посторонних предметов веществ жидкостей...
Page 4: ...432 35 94 43 34 24 37 Nжевск 7 426000 ул арла Cаркса 393 3412 43 16 42 43 50 64 Nркутск Эверест 664040 15 й оветский пер 2 3952 45 19 11 53 12 92 азань Ай Dи Эс 420105 ул акко и анцетти 8 8432 92 59 62 азань Dехника 420043 ул ишневского 14 8432 38 31 37 38 31 07 алининград естер ервис 236029 ул орького 50 0112 27 34 32 27 31 51 алуга Cастер ервис 248600 ул 0ылеева 39 корп 2 0842 56 18 21 56 18 22 ...
Page 5: ... 1 8622 62 02 95 Dаганрог А ристи 347900 ул 5рунзе 45 8634 46 47 54 38 30 48 Dамбов 9 2000 392002 ул Энгельса 5 0752 75 17 18 Dобольск Dюмень Nмпорт ервис 625456 ул 0емезова 3 34511 589 11 Dомск 7 634034 ул Учебная 26 3822 42 74 50 42 74 28 Dомск пектр 634063 ул Kазо 15 3822 67 35 73 67 33 55 Dомск Академия ервис 634055 Академический пр 1 бл А оф 204 3822 25 85 80 25 98 08 Dюмень Dюмень Nмпорт ерв...
Page 6: ... покупателя ____________________ 8одпись________________________ Nнформация о приобретении изделия Cодель ерийный номер 7ата приобретения ена 8одпись 8родавца 8ечать 5NО Улица ород Dелефон 8родавец омпания Улица ород Dелефон Адрес 8родавца Nнформация о 8окупателе урнал арантийных 0абот 5амилия и подпись инженера печать сервисного центра Dип дефекта описание ремонтных работ и использованные запасны...
Page 7: ...A39566 Russia R347H O M RU Russia p ag e 03 7 4 5 28 PM 5 Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...
Page 8: ... vbrhjdjkzjdjuj bpkextzby 6 Zt gjkmpeqntcm gtxm tckb jzf zt hf jnftn ljközsv j hfpjv bkb ckjvfzf lj ntü gjh gjrf jzf zt eltn gjxbztzf rdfkbabwbhjdfzzsv cgtwbfkbcnjv gjlujnjdktzzsv abhvjq IFHG Jcj tzzj dfözj xnj s ldthwf gtxb pfrhsdfkfcm gkjnzj b zt bvtkf cktle obü gjdhtöltzbq 1 ldthwf zt ljközf snm gjrjhj ktzf 2 gtnkb b pfotkrb zt ljközs snm ckjvfzs bkb ifnfnmcy 3 egkjnztzby ldthws egkjnzytvst gjd...
Page 9: ...zs ecnhbw gthtl ghbujnjdktzbtv Ntv cfvsv ds bp töbnt dphsdf Ghjnsrfnm rjöehe rfhnjatky y kjr rf fxrjd üjn ljujd cjcbcjr b ecnhbw lky dsüjlf gfhf zfheöe Bcgjkmpjdfnm cgtwbfkmze gjcele lky ghbujnjdktzby djpleizjq rereheps d vbrhjdjkzjdjq gtxb Gjljölbnt lj ntü gjh gjrf otkxrb jn djpleizjq rereheps elen hfplfdfnmcy c bznthdfkjv 1 2 ctrezls Gthtkjöbnt ltncrjt gbnfzbt d vfktzmre gjcele b jcnjhjözj zfuht...
Page 10: ...DJHJNZJUJ CNJKBRF B HJKBRJDJUJ K ZTNF 4 Gtxm zt ljközf zfüjlbnmcy d kbpb bcnjxzbrjd ntgkf b gfhf zfghbvth jrjkj j sxzjq gkbns Gtxm ljközf snm ecnfzjdktzf nfr xnj s zt gthtrhsdfkbcm dtznbkywbjzzst jndthcnby Zfl gtxm ljközj bvtnmcy zt vtztt 15 cv cdj jlzjuj ghjcnhfzcndf 5 Ghjbpdjlbntkb b lbcnhb m nths zt ztcen jndtncndtzzjcnb pf gjdhtöltzby gtxb b nhfdvs gjnht bntky dspdfzzst ztghfdbkmzsv gjlrk xtzb...
Page 11: ...bujnjdktzby ddjl dtcf b rjkbxtcndf ghjlernjd RKFDBIF SCNHFY HFPVJHJPRF Zföfnbt zf rkfdbie gjpdjkytn ds hfnm vtz SCNHFY HFPVJHJPRF RKFDBIF NFQVTH XFCS Zföfnbt zf rkfdbie gjpdjkytn ecnfzjdbnm xfcs nfqvth kjrbhjdre jn ltntq bkb htöbv ltvjzcnhfwbb RZJGRF SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR Zföfnbt zf äne rzjgre j tcgtxbdftn nfröt gecr ddtltzzjq ghjuhfvvs Zföfnbt jlbz hfp gjpdjkytn ujnjdbnm 1 vbzene ghb ehjdzt D...
Page 12: ...grf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Zfövbnt zf rkfdbie NFQVTH XFCS jlbz hfp Ddtlbnt ghfdbkmzjt dhtvy gentv gjcktljdfntkmzjuj zföfnby wbahjdsü rzjgjr 1 Xfcs gjrfpsdf n dhtvy d 12 xfcjdjv htöbvt Xnj s ddtcnb dhtvy 11 34 enhf bkb dtxthf Ecnfzjdrf xfcjd 3 Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Ghb gjgsnrt ddjlf ztghfdbkmzjuj dhtvtzb zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy cjj otzbt zf...
Page 13: ...vth zfxztn jncxtn Lky czbötzby vjozjcnb zföbvfqnt zf rkfdbie VJOZJCNM gjrf zf lbcgktt zt gjydbncy zeözsq ehjdtzm vjozjcnb Ghtlgjkjöbv Ds üjnbnt ujnjdbnm hs zjt abkt 10 vbzen zf CHTLZTV ehjdzt vjozjcnb Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR Ds thbnt ehjdtzm v...
Page 14: ... Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Ghbujnjdktzbt gentv pflfzby gjcktljdfntkmzjcntq scnhjt ghbujnjdktzbt Htöbv scnhjuj ghbujnjdktzby ghtlecvjnhtzzsq d gtxfü abhvs IFHG gjpdjkytn kturj ujnjdbnm k lf d ntxtzbt 1 vbzens ghb DSCJRJV ehjdzt vjozjcnb Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR D ntxtzbt 3 vbzen gjckt pfrhsnby ldthws Ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Ds thbnt ehjdtzm vjozjcnb zföfnbtv zf rzjgre VJOZJCNM lky ...
Page 15: ...grf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Ds thbnt ehjdtzm vjozjcnb zföfnbtv zf rzjgre VJOZJCNM lky ds jhf CHTLZTUJ ehjdzy zföfnm 3 hfpf Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR Zföfnbtv zf rkfdbie SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR ldf hfpf edtkbxmnt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby zf ldt vbzens Dscdtnbncy b gjufcztn bzlbrfnjh START Nfqvth ghjljköftn j hfnzsq jncxtn ...
Page 16: ...gjkmpeqnt htöbv GHJCNFY HFPVJHJPRF bkb hfpvjhföbdfqnt dhexze 7 Tckb ghb zföfnbb zf rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR drk xtzzst d ghjuhfvve dtc bkb rjkbxtcndj ghjlernjd elen jkmit bkb vtzmit erfpfzzjuj d herjdjlcndt gj vtz GHJCNFY HFPVJHJPRF zf lbcgktt gjydbncy cjj otzbt Lky c hjcf zfövbnt zf rzjgre CNJG C HJC b ddtlbnt ghjuhfvve gjdnjhzj 8 Ghb ddjlt dtcf jrheukyqnt xbckj lj 0 1 ru 100 u Zfghbvth d...
Page 17: ...gjdjhjnzjv cnjkbrt Zfrhsnm evfözsv gjkjntzwtv Gtxm gjlfcn pderjdjq cbuzfk b jcnfzjdbncy Bzlbrfnjh CHECK dscdtnbncy b gjufcztn Gthtdthzenm gbhjub b zföfnm gecr lky ghjljkötzby ghbujnjdktzby Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby lfnm gjcnjynm 3 C bp üjkjlbkmzbrf Gjkjöbnm gbwwe zf gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr ghjkjöbd gjl ztt evfözjt gjkjntzwt 3 C bp üjkjlbkmzbrf Jdjob dsvsnm Hfphtpfnm rfhnjatkm zf vfktzmrbt recjxrb Hfpkjöbnm zf...
Page 18: ...ftn vbufnm bzlbrfnjh CHECK Gthtdthzenm rfhnjatkm b lky djpj zjdktzby ghbujnjdktzby zföfnm zf rkfdbie GECR Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby lfnm gjcnjynm gjl fk vbzbtdjq ajkmujq 1 5 3 10 R dj J ßtrn cjukfczj zföfnb zf rföle rkfdbie SCNHJT LTQCNDBT Gjhyljr Dhtvy dslthöbdfzby d vbzenfü Vtz 1 4 gjhwbb 1 xfcnm 1 2 cnfrfzf Hbc Vfrfhjzs drk xftn tksq Hbc Ceübt Vfrfhjzs ghb kbpbn 60 C ujhyxfy djljghjdjlzfy djlf bkb ce...
Page 19: ...q zjvth vtz d ckexft rehbzjuj abkt zfövbnt ldföls Jnrhjqnt ldthwe Ghjlern gthtdthzbnt b gththfcghtltkbnt Hfpvjhjötzzst xfcnb j thzbnt Pfrhjqnt ldthwe Zfövbnt zf rkfdbie SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR Dscdtnbncy b gjufcztn bzlbrfnjh START x 2 Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby Rjulf hfplftncy 4 rhfnzsq pderjdjq cbuzfk gtxm jcnfzfdkbdftncy Vbuftn bzlbrfwby CHECK J hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb hfp...
Page 20: ...bncy bzlbrfnjh CHECK dscdtnbncy b gjufcztn Elfkbnm hfpvjhjötzzst gjhwbb afhif gthtdthzenm b ghbrhsnm rhfy gjkjcrfvb ajkmub Zföfnm gecr lky ghjljkötzby hfpvjhföbdfzby Gj bcntxtzbb dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby lfnm gjcnjynm gjl fk vbzbtdjq ajkmujq Gjvtcnbnm rehbzjt abkt zf gjlcnfdre lky hfpvjhföbdfzby Gtxm gjlfcn pderjdjq cbuzfk b jcnfzjdbncy Bzlbrfnjh CHECK dscdtnbncy b gjufcztn Gthtdthzenm b hfpltkbnm z...
Page 21: ...b erfpfzs d herjdjlcndt gj vtz ghjcnfy hfpvjhjprf zf cnh 15 Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR C gjvjom rzjgjr c wbahfvb ddtlbnt dtc Dscdtnbncy b gjufcztn bzlbrfnjh START Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby Rjulf hfplftncy 4 rhfnzsq pderjdjq cbuzfk gtxm jcnfzfdkbdftncy Vbuftn bzlbrfwby CHECK Zfövbnt rzjgre SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR Jnrhjqnt ldthm Gthtdthzbnt recjxrb b gththfcgh...
Page 22: ...Gthtdthzenm ghjlern b j thzenm hfpvjhjötzzst xfcnb Lky ghjljkötzby hfpvjhföbdfzby zföfnm zf rzjgre GECR Gj bcntxtzbb dctuj dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby jcnfdbnm ghjlern gjcnjynm gjl fk vbzbtdjq ajkmujq zf 5 60 vbzen Ghjlerns zt erfpfzzst d lfzzjq nf kbwt vjuen hfpvjhföbdfnmcy d htöbvt CHTLZBQ ZBPRBQ Gnbwf 1 0 4 0 ru Dszenm ghjlern bp egfrjdrb J thzenm rjzxbrb rhsksitr b zjötr ajkmujq Gjvtcnbnm uhelrjq d...
Page 23: ...zjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Zfövbnt zf rkfdbie ZFGBNRB jlbz hfp Zt gjpöt xtv xthtp 2 ctrezls zfövbnt zf rkfdbie VJOZJCNM ldf hfpf x 1 x 2 1 2 2 SCNHFY HFPVJHJPRF GHJCNFY HFPVJHJPRF Ghtlgjkjöbv Ds cj bhftntcm hfpvjhjpbnm 1 0 ru rehbws recjxrfvb GHJCNFY HFPVJHJPRF pf dhtvy jkmitt xtv ghb cnfzlfhnzjv htöbvt Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Ifu Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Lbcg...
Page 24: ...rfü f nfröt jzf gjpdjkbn Dfv gjghfrnbrjdfnmcy d dsgjkztzbb rk xtdsü ltqcndbq Lky ltvjzcnhfwbb zfövbnt rkfdbie NFQVTH XFCS b zfövbnt rkfdbie SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR b elthöbdfqnt d ntxtzbt 3 ctrezl Zf lbcgktt gjydbncy cjj otzbt Ltqcndby gj ghbujnjdktzb d änjn vjvtzn vjuen snm ghjltvjzcnhbhjdfzs tp drk xtzby gbnfzby gtxb Zfghbvth zfövbnt rkfdbie SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECR b zf lbcgktt elen dscdtxbd...
Page 25: ...brjdsq k ztn Dsvjqnt ckf sv vskmzsv hfcndjhjv f pfntv dsnhbnt zfceüj GTHTL NTV RFR DSPDFNM VFCNTHF Ghjdtlbnt cktle oe ghjdthre 1 Ujhbn kb lbcgktq LF ZTN 2 Drk xftncy kb kfvgf gtxb ghb jnrhsnbb ldthws LF ZTN 3 Zfktqnt cnfrfz djls jrjkj 250 vk d cntrkyzzsq vthzsq cnfrfz gjcnfdmnt tuj d gtxm b gkjnzj pfrhjqnt ldthwe Tckb ldthwf pfrhsnf gkjnzj kfvgjxrf gjufcztn Dscnfdbnt gtxm zf 1 vbzene hf jns zf dsc...
Page 26: ...19 A39566 Russia R347H O M RU SHARP CORPORATION OSAKA JAPAN TINSRA006WRRZ Z31 Russia R347H O M Ru P10 19 03 7 4 5 24 PM 19 Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...
Page 27: ...t working correctly or damaged until it has been repaired by a qualified service technician trained by SHARP It is particularly important that the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to 1 Door warped 2 Hinges and Latches broken or loosened 3 Door Seals Sealing Surfaces and oven cavity buckled or deformed 7 Do not catch the utensil your clothes or accessories on the door safety la...
Page 28: ...s microwave and heat proof dinner plate between the turntable and the browning dish Eggs fruits nuts seeds vegetables sausages and oysters Popcorn Baby food General Liquids Beverages Canned foods Sausage rolls Pies Christmas pudding Meats Utensils Aluminium foil Browning dish Cook eggs in shells to prevent explosion which may damage the oven or injure yourself Reheat whole eggs Overcook oysters Dr...
Page 29: ...ABLE 4 The oven should not be installed in any area where excessive heat and steam are generated for example next to a conventional oven unit The oven should be installed so as not to block ventilation openings Allow at least 15 cm on the top of the oven for free air space 5 Neither the manufacturer nor the distributors can accept any liability for damage to the machine or personal injury for fail...
Page 30: ...d during cooking OPERATION OF TOUCH CONTROL PANEL The operation of the oven is controlled by pressing the appropriate pads arranged on the surface of the control panel An entry signal tone should be heard each time you press the control panel to make a correct entry In addition the oven will beep for approximately 2 seconds at the end of the cooking cycle or 4 times when a cooking procedure is req...
Page 31: ...12 hour clock To enter the present time of day 11 34 AM or PM Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the TIMER CLOCK pad once Enter the correct time of day by pressing the numbers in sequence 1 2 3 Press the TIMER CLOCK pad again The dots will flash on and off If you attempt to enter an incorrect clock time Ex 13 45 will appear in the display Press the STOP CLEAR pad and re enter the time of day E...
Page 32: ...er level during cooking press the POWER LEVEL pad As long as your finger is touching the POWER LEVEL pad the power level will be displayed If the door is opened during cooking process the cooking time in the readout automatically stops The cooking time starts to count down again when the door is closed and the INSTANT COOK START pad is pressed Step Enter desired cooking time To lower the power pre...
Page 33: ...ven will operate at HIGH power Press the INSTANT COOK START pad 1 START will flash on and off The timer begins to count down When it reaches zero the second sequence will appear and the timer will begin to count down again Step Pad Order Press the INSTANT COOK START pad until desired time is displayed Each time the pad is pressed the cooking time is increased by 1 minute Instant Cook For your conv...
Page 34: ...g time is 1 min 30 sec Increasing Time During the Cooking Programme Step Enterdesiredcookingtime 2 1 Display Pad Order x 3 Procedure Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Select power level by pressing the POWER LEVEL pad for MEDIUM press three times STARTwillflashonandoff x 2 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad twice to increase the cooking time by two minutes 4 3 The timer starts to count down Russia R3...
Page 35: ...lowed on the EXPRESS DEFROST MENU GUIDE use EASY DEFROST or defrost manually 7 willbedisplayedifmoreorlessthanweightorquantityof foodssuggestedinEASYDEFROST Menu Guide is programmed when the INSTANT COOK START pad is pressed To clear press the STOP CLEAR pad and reprogramme 8 When entering the weight of the food round off the weight to the nearest 0 1kg 100g For example 0 35kg would become 0 4kg N...
Page 36: ...king After cooking stand 1 4 pieces 1 piece approx 90 g Reheat Pizza 3 C Refrigerated Place pizza on paper towel on the turntable 0 2 1 0 kg 0 2 kg 3 C Refrigerated Wash the vegetables Cut potatoes into small pieces Arrange the vegetables in a shallow dish in the following way hard vegetables around the outside soft vegetables in the centre medium vegetables in between Cover with glass lid or plas...
Page 37: ...ables in the centre medium vegetables in between Cover with a glass lid or plastic wrap After cooking stir then stand covered 1 5 Frozen Vegetables Carrots Beans Brussels Sprouts Broccoli Cauliflower Corn Green Peas Mixed Vegetables 0 2 1 0 kg 0 2 kg hard vegetables soft vegetables medium vegetables 1 10 pieces 1 piece approx 150 g Jacket Potato Potato whole 20 C Room temperature Use washed new po...
Page 38: ...lets 1 The defrosting time will begin counting down When a 4 times beep sound is heard the oven stops CHECK will flash on and off Press the INSTANT COOK START pad START will flash on and off Open the door Turn over and rearrange Shield the defrosted portions Close the door 2 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad The defrosting time will continue counting down When it reaches zero the oven will beep 3 4...
Page 39: ...rost time stand covered with aluminium foil Place chicken fillets on a defrost rack The oven will beep and stop CHECK will flash on and off Turn over and separate into pieces Press start to continue defrosting After defrost time stand covered with aluminium foil 1 Quantity kg s Menu No Procedure Standing Time minutes 5 0 5 3 2 0 5 0 5 5 5 NOTE 1 When freezing minced meat shape it into flat even si...
Page 40: ...The defrosting time will begin counting down When a 4 times beep sound is heard the oven stops CHECK wil flash on and off The defrosting time will continue counting down When it reaches zero the oven will beep START will flash on and off KG will flash on and off Press the number pads to enter weight START will flash on and off Open the door Turn over and rearrange Shield the defrosted portions Clo...
Page 41: ...p and stop CHECK will flash on and off Remove defrosted portions of mince turn over and shield edges with foil strips Press start to continue defrosting After defrost time stand covered with aluminium foil for 10 30 minutes Shield the bone and the edge with foil strips about 2 5cm wide Place joint with lean side face upwards if possible on a shallow dish The oven will beep and stop CHECK will flas...
Page 42: ...time than the standard setting x 1 1 2 Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the EASY DEFROST pad four times for Chicken Pieces 4 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Press the POWER LEVEL pad once Press the number pads to enter weight 2 EXPRESS DEFROST EASY DEFROST Supposeyouwanttodefrost1 0kgofChickenPieces EASYDEFROST formoretimethanthestandardsetting 1 2 3 x 1 The Less More setting can be used to...
Page 43: ... is mainly for use by retail outlets and also allows you to practice the key operation To demonstrate press the TIMER CLOCK pad and press the INSTANT COOK START pad and hold for 3 seconds will appear in the display Cooking operations can now be demonstrated with no power in the oven For example press INSTANT COOK START pad and the display will show and count down to zero at ten times the speed Whe...
Page 44: ...rely Oven lamp should go off if door is closed properly Programme the oven for one minute on HIGH At this moment A Does the oven lamp light YES _______ NO _______ B Does the cooling fan work YES _______ NO _______ Put your hand over the rear ventilation openings C Does the turntable rotate YES _______ NO _______ The turntable can rotate clockwise or counterclockwise This is quite normal D Does COO...
Page 45: ... tv dvd and othes Manual users user manuals user guide manual owners manual instruction manual manual owner manual owner s manual guide manual operation operating manual user s manual operating instructions manual operators manual operator manual product documentation manual user maintenance brochure user reference pdf manual Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...