With the focus in the text field, press
then select Edit Text >
Check Spelling, or simply press MENU
+ S.
If you have spelling errors, a pop-up will offer spelling suggestions for
each error. Select the word replacement, Ignore the word, or Add the
word to “My Dictionary”.
Go to “AutoText & Spelling” (next section) to read about setting spell check
options. Note that words containing numbers are never flagged as spelling
AutoText & Spelling
To help you type accurately, the AutoText & Spelling screen provides control
over the spell check function and allows you to customize rules that
automatically correct common typing errors. You can add to, edit, or discard
the AutoText rules that come with your device:
to go to the Jump screen. Press MENU
to open the
menu then select Settings > AutoText & Spelling. The AutoText &
Spelling screen appears.
From this screen you can set the following:
Highlight misspelled words – When checked, any words you type
that are misspelled will be underlined in red. (You can override this
global setting in individual applications by going to the application’s
Settings screen.)
Auto-correct spelling when possible – When checked, spelling
corrections will be made automatically when possible.
Skip slang words during spell check – When checked, common word
abbreviations and slang will not flagged as misspellings during spell
Edit My Dictionary – Select this button to open “My Dictionary”, where
you can add/discard/edit words that you want spell check to skip.
Capitalize first letter of sentences – When checked, the first letter of
each sentence will be automatically capitalized.
Automatic Word Replacement – When checked, the replacement
rules listed on the screen will be applied as you type. Open the menu to
discard or create AutoText rules. Note that when typing, words are
replaced only after you press the SPACE. To undo a word replacement,
press the DEL
key to delete the space.
Quickly insert your phone number, date, or time by using these
AutoText rules:
@ld to insert the current day and date
@lt to insert the current time
@phone to insert your phone number