To turn wireless back on, select Airplane Mode > Turn Wireless On.
Remember to turn wireless back on after landing so you can make and
receive calls.
Display Controls
To adjust the display brightness, go to the Battery & Display settings screen:
Press MENU
then select Settings > Battery & Display.
Select the Brightness slider to open it for adjustment. Roll the trackball
right to increase brightness; roll left to decrease.
Press the trackball to apply the setting.
Alternatively, you can press MENU
from anywhere on the
device to open the controls panels. Highlight the lower Brightness panel
and then roll the trackball to make adjustments.
Mini Media Player Controls
To open the mini media player from any application, press JUMP
Use the D-Pad or the trackball to select a control. You can also use these
Pause item now playing , or resume play if paused
Play previous item in Play Queue
Play next item in Play Queue
When the shuffle and repeat icons are highlighted, this indicates: shuffle is
, repeat once is on
, repeat continuously is on . Select an icon to
cycle through settings.
To jump to the Now Playing screen, press the Now Playing icon .
To scroll through the items in the Play Queue, press the D-Pad left/right
or select the forward control
with the trackball.
To go to a specific place in a song or video, roll the trackball up, then
select the progress bar at the top of the player. A slider opens: