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Ver. 6.0U _ May 31, 2011
Installation Manual for PV Modules
Rated electrical characteristics are within ±10 percent of the indicated values of Isc, Voc and 10/-5 percent of Pmax under Standard Test Conditions
(irradiance of 100 mW/cm2, AM 1.5 spectrum, and a cell temperature of 25˚C (77˚F)). The warranty conditions are specified elsewhere in this manual.
Maximum Power (Pmax)
240.0 W
235.0 W
235.0 W
230.0 W
Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc)
37.4 V
37.0 V
37.0 V
37.0 V
Short-Circuit Current (Isc)
8.65 A
8.60 A
8.50 A
8.40 A
Voltage at maximum power (Vpmax)
30.1 V
30.0 V
30.1 V
30.0 V
Current at maximum power (Ipmax)
7.98 A
7.84 A
7.81 A
7.67 A
Maximum System Voltage
600 V
600 V
600 V
600 V
Minimum Blocking diode
15 A
15 A
15 A
15 A
Series Fuse
15 A
15 A
15 A
15 A
Maximum Power (Pmax)
230.0 W
224.0 W
216.0 W
Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc)
36.9 V
36.6 V
36.5 V
Short-Circuit Current (Isc)
8.45 A
8.33 A
8.10 A
Voltage at maximum power (Vpmax)
29.3 V
29.28 V
28.9 V
Current at maximum power (Ipmax)
7.85 A
7.66 A
7.48 A
Maximum System Voltage
600 V
600 V
600 V
Minimum Blocking diode
15 A
15 A
15 A
Series Fuse
15 A
15 A
15 A
Maximum Power (Pmax)
245.0 W
240.0 W
235.0 W
230.0 W
Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc)
37.6 V
37.5 V
37.2 V
37.1 V
Short-Circuit Current (Isc)
8.63 A
8.61 A
8.59 A
8.48 A
Voltage at maximum power (Vpmax)
30.4 V
30.2 V
30.1 V
30.0 V
Current at maximum power (Ipmax)
8.06 A
7.95 A
7.81 A
7.67 A
Maximum System Voltage
600 V
600 V
600 V
600 V
Minimum Blocking diode
15 A
15 A
15 A
15 A
Series Fuse
15 A
15 A
15 A
15 A
Maximum Power (Pmax)
235.0 W
230.0 W
Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc)
37.1 V
36.6 V
Short-Circuit Current (Isc)
8.50 A
8.44 A
Voltage at maximum power (Vpmax)
30.3 V
30.0 V
Current at maximum power (Ipmax)
7.76 A
7.67 A
Maximum System Voltage
600 V
600 V
Minimum Blocking diode
15 A
15 A
Series Fuse
15 A
15 A
Under normal conditions, a PV module may produce more current and/or voltage than reported at Standard Test Conditions. Accordingly, the values of Isc
and Voc marked on UL 1703 listed modules should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 when determining component voltage ratings, conductor ampacities,
fuse sizes and size of controls connected to the module output. Refer to Sec. 690-8 of the National Electrical Code for an additional multiplying factor of
125 percent (80 percent de-rating) which may be applicable. Where Canadian UL listing applies, installation shall be in accordance with CSA C22.1, Safety
Standard for Electrical Installations, Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1.