Browser Menu
When you are browsing, you can reach browsing options by
pressing [Options].
• Select:
Selects the link you wish to see. (“Select” is displayed only
when the link is highlighted.)
• Home:
Goes to the homepage you set in the WAP Settings.
• Alert inbox:
Displays a list of WAP push messages. You can receive
push messages via WAP Services. This means that a
service provider sends WAP content to your phone,
without any set up.
• Add bookmark:
Adds the site you are currently browsing to your list of
• View bookmarks:
Displays a list of bookmarks.
• Save items:
Saves pictures, sounds or video clips in the appropriate
Gallery folder.
• Go to URL:
Inputs the URL of the site you wish to go to.
• History:
Displays a history list.
• Forward:
Moves to the next URL in the history list.
• Reload page:
Refreshes the contents of the WAP page.
• Advanced...:
• Show URL:
Displays the URL of the site you are currently
• Save page:
Saves the page you are currently browsing to your list
of Snap Shots.
• Snapshots:
Displays a list of Snap Shots.
• Settings:
Includes “Downloads”, etc.
• Security:
Sets the security.
• Clear...:
Clears history, cache, etc.
• Restart Browser:
Restarts the browser.