AT HIGH (100%)
500 g
3-4 minutes
Wash and place in a freezer bag. Allow
to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
4½-5 minutes
Cut into 4 cm pieces. Place in a dish
with 1 tablespoon water. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
4½-5 minutes
Cut into uniform fl orets. Arrange with
fl ower towards centre. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
3½-4 minutes
Arrange in a 23 cm fl an dish. Arrange
with stalk towards outside. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
3½-4 minutes
Shred and cook in a dish with 2
tablespoons water. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
4½-5 minutes
Arrange in a dish with 1 tablespoon
water. Cookcovered. Allow to stand 3
minutes before serving.
Caulifl ower
500 g
4½-5 minutes
Cut into uniform fl orets. Arrange with fl ower
towards centre, with 1 tablespoon water.
Cook covered. Allow to stand 3 minutes
before serving.
500 g (2)
5½-6½ minutes
Cut into quarters. Place in a 20 cm
pie plate with 1 tablespoon of water.
Cook covered. Allow to stand 3 minutes
before serving.
Corn (on cob)
500 g (2)
4½-6½ minutes
Rinse corn under cold water. Place corn
in husk directly onto turntable. Turn over
during cooking. Allow to stand 3 minutes
before serving.
1 kg (4)
14-15 minutes
Rinse corn under cold water. Place
corn in husk directly onto turntable. Turn
over during cooking.
Allow to stand 5 minutes before serving.
500 g
3½-4 minutes
Cut into 2 cm cubes. Place in a dish with
2 tablespoons water. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
3½-4 minutes
Sliced or whole. Place in a dish with
2 teaspoons butter. Allow to stand 3
minutes before serving.
AT HIGH (100%)
Peas - Green
500 g
3-4 minutes
Cook in a dish with 1 teaspoon sugar
and 1 tablespoon water. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
- Snow
500 g
2½-3 minutes
Remove string from pod. Cook in a dish
with 1 tablespoon water. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
Potatoes (jacket)
2 medium
4 small
3½-4½ minutes
Pierce skin with a fork. Place on turntable.
Turn over halfway through cooking. Allow
to stand wrapped in foil 3 minutes.
2 medium
4 small
4½-5 minutes
Peel and quarter potatoes. Cook in a
dish with cup water. Cook covered.
Allow to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
4½-5 minutes
Peel and cut into serving-size pieces. Place
in a dish and cook covered. Allow to stand
3 minutes before serving.
500 g
4-6 minutes
Wash and shred. Cook, covered, in a dish
with 2 tablespoons water. Allow to stand
3 minutes before serving.
500 g
3½-4 minutes
Wash and place in a dish with 1 tablespoon
of water. Pierce whole squash with a fork.
Cook covered. Allow to stand 3 minutes
before serving.
Sweet Potato
500 g
1 kg
5-6 minutes
11-12 minutes
Peel and quarter potatoes. Cut in half and
then into 1 cm thick slices. Allow to stand
3-5 minutes before serving.
500 g
2½-3 minutes
Cut into quarters. Place in a dish. Season
and cook covered. Allow to stand 3
minutes before serving.
500 g
3½-4 minutes
Cut into uniform-size pieces. Place in a
dish with 1 tablespoon water and 1
tablespoon butter. Cook covered. Allow
to stand 3 minutes before serving.
500 g
4-5 minutes
Drain, reserving 2 tablespoons liquid.
Place vegetables and reserved liquid in
a dish and cook covered. Allow to stand
3 minutes before serving.
R-331Y(S) CB 1-28.indd Sec1:19
R-331Y(S) CB 1-28.indd Sec1:19
3/9/12 2:59:57 PM
3/9/12 2:59:57 PM