Installation of drainage pipeline
• The Drainage Pipeline shall be installed with an inclining angel of 5~10˚, so as to facilitate
the drainage of condensate. The joints of the Drainage Pipeline must be covered by thermal
insulation materials to avoid generation of exterior condensate.
• A Drainage outlet is located at both the left and right sides of the indoor unit. After selecting one
drainage outlet, the other outlet shall be blocked by rubber plug. Bundle the blocked outlet with
string to avoid leakage, and also use thermal insulation materials to wrap the blocked outlet.
• When shipped out from factory, both the Drainage outlets are blocked by rubber plugs.
Air removal
. Remove both valve shaft caps of the stop valves.
2. Remove the service port cap of the stop valve (gas side).
3. Connect the gauge manifold hose to the service port and the vacuum pump.
Be sure that the hose end to be connected to the service port has a valve core pusher.
4. Open the gauge manifold valve and operate the vacuum pump for 0-5 minutes.
Make sure the compound gauge reads -76cmHg.
5. Close the gauge manifold valve.
6. Turn off the vacuum pump.
7. Fully open the stop valve (liquid side) with hexagon socket screw key. (diagonally 4 mm)
Turn all the way up to contact.
8. Fully open the stop valve (gas side) with hexagon socket screw key. Turn all the way up to con-
9. Disconnect the gauge manifold hose from the service port.
0. Replace the service port cap and both valve shaft caps tightly.
• Use a gauge manifold and hoses exclusive for R40A.
• After air removal, check the pipe connections for gas leak using a leakage detector or soapy
water. Regarding leakage detector, use high-sensitivity type designed specially for R40A.
Thermal insulation materials
of Drainage pipe
Drainage Pipeline
2 Remove
3 Connect
4 Operate
4 Open
5 Close
6 Turn off
7 Fully open
8 Fully open
9 Disconnect
0 Replace
0 Replace
0 Replace
Gauge manifold
Compound gauge
Vacuum pump
Vacuum pump
Service port cap
Stop valve (gas side)
Stop valve (liquid side)
Hexagon socket
screw key
GREE_cassette_eng.indd 29
08.10.28 11:42:48 AM