To upgrade the main software, it is necessary to get ready the SD card for version upgrade before you start.
Follow the steps below and create the SD card for version upgrade.
Insert the SD card into the SD card reader/writer. Start the SD card formatting software. Click [Format].
(When you have the drive options, select the drive where the SD card is inserted before you proceed.)
When the formatting is over, the following window appears. Click [OK].
Click [Exit] to finish the formatting.
Note: When you are done, take out the SD card once to make sure it is finished, and then insert it again.
Copy the binary image file KD6Uxxxx.SDC (named temporarily) for version upgrade to the root directory
(folder) of the SD card drive.
Note: In the SD card drive, do not store other folders or unrelated files, or more than one binary image files for
version upgrade.
Now the SD card for version upgrade is ready.