Each channel can be turned into an arpeggiator instead of a
quantizer. The channel will then react to triggers instead of voltage
changes at the Channel’s CV input
. The Arpeggiator menu is
accessed by pressing the Arpg button
The Arpg button is lit as
long as the menu is active, press it again to exit the menu.
To turn a channel into an arpeggiator, press the corresponding
Channel button
while holding the Arpg button
menu must be active). An arpeggiated channel is indicated by a
blinking channel button. Turning a channel into an arpeggiator
applies to all Harmony locations. The Arpeggiator menu also sets the
Arpeggiator mode and Octave spread per channel and per harmony.
Arpeggiator Menu
Five arpeggiator modes are available :
Arpeggiator Mode
The octave range can be spread from
one to four octaves.
Octave Spread
If a channel is set as an Arpeg-
giator, the Gate in option in the
Edit menu allows for a third
option (indicated by blinking):
Reset in.