Factory Tables
• C = Blank slot
The next 6 slots have different settings per channel and are
intended to be used for evolutive harmonies:
• D = Diatonic major degrees
• E = Harmonic minor degrees
• F = Melodic minor degrees
• G = Circle of fifth
• A = Chromatic progression
• B = Progression inspired by Messiaen mode 2
The last 3 slots are banks of scales and microtuning, the same
settings apply on every channel:
• F# = Bank of ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, myxolydian, æolian,
locrian and super locrian scales
• G# = Bank of whole tone, diminished, blues, minor pentatonic,
major pentatonic, Arabic, Hungarian and Gypsy scales.
• A# = Bank of different microtuned scales : just intonation,
gamelan slendro, samelan pelog, Bayati, Hijaz, Nawahand,
Bastanikar and broken piano.
Factory Reset
To restore the factory memory, hold the Arpg button while powering
up the module, then press the μTune button to apply. All the
buttons are blinking until the factory memory is restored.