A useful feature is the ability to group up to 4 channels. Hold a
Channel button
and press another channel button, the scale of
the first channel is copied to the second one and editing the common
scale applies to both channels. Grouped channels are indicated by
their Channel LED's being simultaneously on. Any combination of
groups can be created.
Grouping Channels
The Keyboard buttons
are used to set a scale per channel.
The button of the active note shines brighter than the other
selected notes, providing a real-time note monitoring. The edited
channel is selected using the Channel buttons
Once a scale has been set for each of the channels in use,
turning the Harmony potentiometer
allows the repeat of the
process for 8 different harmony locations. This leads to the
creation of harmonic progressions, which can be the basis of
song structures. Using the Harmony potentiometer, the different
harmonies can be accessed very quickly.
In addition to Scale progressions, Harmony
changes also have an effect in Edit settings,
Arpg settings, μtuning and Channel groups.
By default, only the Scale settings are shared, but
the Options menu (see further) allows for more
settings shared between grouped channels.