IC706 Transceiver
Low Power ADSP
Catalog Number 70-11
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 SE 26th St. Box 3526 Bellevue, WA. 98009 USA
Fax: 425-746-6384, Tel: 425-746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: [email protected] • World Wide Web:
April 2003, SGC Inc.
This document describes procedures that could result in voiding of the warranty of your radio.
If these procedures are not precisely and properly carried out, it could result in a radio that does not work or is damaged.
Furthermore, while reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this information, it is possible that there are some errors, or that your radio is of a slightly different
version than the one used for testing and thus, differences may exist. You are expected to take total responsibility for your own actions.
It is assumed that anyone following suggestions made in this document is already thoroughly familiar with the technologies and techniques involved and possesses the necessary
skill and knowledge to make their own judgment as to the appropriateness and validity of the information.
If you choose to do the installation outlined, you do so at your own risk. You are solely responsible for any damage, voiding of warranty, or other harm that may come about
by following these procedures. It is very strongly recommended that, if you maintain your own radio, you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the transceiver service manual.
If you don't have one, get one!
CAUTION: Soldering and desoldering of very small Surface Mount Components may be required to perform this installation
IMPORTANT NOTE: Support for the ADSP
board will be provided by SGC
exclusively by email. Please write to
for assistance if needed.
1. Technical Specifications
Low Audio
High Audio
1.7 X 1.475”
2.645 X 1.475”
0.6 oz
1.1 oz
Audio Limits
Min Input
10 mv RMS
100 mv RMS
Max Input
150 mv RMS
5 volt RMS
Max Output
.5 v RMS
9 v RMS
Power Output
5 Watts RMS
Current Consumption
80 mA
110 mA
full out
80 mA
500 mA
Noise Reduction
13 dB
26 dB
Time Delay
6.5 ms
13 ms
Tone Rejection
-50 dB
-65 dB
Filters (3dB Bandwidth)
300-2100 Hz
CW Wide
400-900 Hz
CW Narrow
600-700 Hz
Out of Band Rejection
-45 dB