Fino Multi KA4566
5.2 Descaling
If the display element (H.1)
flashes quickly during the brewing process,
the appliance requires descaling.
Commercially available products for descaling of coffee makers are
suitable for this purpose. Prepare a batch of 900ml of the descaling liqud in
accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the descaling agent.
Important: Do not use vinegar or descaling agents on the basis of
acetic acid as there is a risk of damaging the appliance, e.g. at the
Please note: The safety information of the manufacturer of the
descaling agent must be observed. Do not pour the descaling liquid
into enamelled sinks.
1. Fill the descaling liquid into the water reservoir (L) up to the mark MAX
(approx. 900ml).
2. Open brewing unit (A). For this purpose, fully fold the bracket closure (B)
3. Remove the strainer support from the brewing unit.
4. Use a tall container with a capacity of minimum 900ml (e.g. a measuring
jug for 1l) and place it onto the drainage grille (G) without drip tray (F).
5. Press and hold the Start/Stop (H.5)
for at least 3 seconds, until the
display elements (H.1)
and (H.4) light up. The descaling process is
started and the display element (H.1)
starts flashing. The container
is filled in intervals until the water reservoir is empty. The appliance will
stop between the individual intervals (for approx. 30 seconds).
6. When the water reservoir is empty the display element (H.4) starts
flashing. The rinsing process can be started. For this purpose, remove
the water reservoir (L), rinse it thoroughly in running water and fill it up
with fresh, cold water up to the mark MAX (approx. 900ml). Empty the
used descaling liquid from the tall container and place the container
back onto the drainage grille. Then, press the Start/Stop button (H.5)
. The display element (H.4) is lit up again and the appliance is
rinsed with cold water until the water reservoir is empty.
7. Now the appliance is descaled and ready for operation.