Initial inspection
Following tests are carried out when the machinery is at downtime:
Check the foundation.
Following tests are carried out when the machinery is running:
Check the electrical characteristics.
Check the bearing temperatures.
Check the running noise.
Main inspection
The following tests are carried out when the machine is at a standstill:
Check the foundation.
Check the alignment of the motor.
Check the fastening screws and tightening torques
Check the cables and the insulation material. The test determines whether the cables and the
insulating materials are in a proper condition. They must not display discoloration or any burn
marks and must not be cracked or otherwise damaged.
Check the insulation resistance
Depending on the quality of grease, local ambient conditions and the duty, the change of the
rolling bearings and the oil seals may be necessary after 10.000 h (but at least annually).
The following tests are carried out when the machine is running:
Check the electrical characteristics
Check the bearing temperatures
Check the running noise
All discrepancies discovered during the inspections must be rectified immediately.
SEVA-tec GmbH - Lether Gerwerbestrasse 10 - 26197 Ahlhorn - www.seva-tec.de