SERVOPRO FID Online Total Hydrocarbons Analyser
SERVOPRO FID 01000001A rev:5 53
9.1 System error
This section describes in detail all possible system errors.
Air flow deviation:
This error occurs when the difference between air flow and
air flow set point is higher than 5 cc/min. When this error is active, it is
impossible to ignite the flame.
Low air flow:
This error occurs when the air flow is below 10 cc/min. When this
error is active, it is impossible to ignite the flame.
Fuel flow deviation:
This error occurs when the difference between fuel flow and
fuel flow set point is higher than 5 cc/min. When this error is active, it is
impossible to ignite the flame.
Low fuel flow:
This error occurs when the fuel flow is below 10 cc/min. When
this error is active, it is impossible to ignite the flame.
Sample flow deviation:
This error occurs when the difference between sample
flow and sample flow set point is higher than 5 cc/min. When this error is active,
it is impossible to ignite the flame.
Ambient temperature deviation:
This error occurs when ambient temperature is
out of range. Ambient temperature must be between 5
C and 40
FID temperature deviation:
This error occurs when the difference between
actual F.I.D temperature and FID temperature set point is higher then 10
C. When
this error is active, it is impossible to ignite the flame.
Glow plug damaged:
A glow plug is used to ignite the detector. If the glow plug
is damaged, this error message is displayed. When this error is active, it is
impossible to ignite the flame. The glow plug must be changed.
Flame off:
This error occurs when the FID’s flame is off.
Sample flow reg. problem
: A problem appears with sample pressure regulator,
the system will have to be restarted. If after rebooting, you still have this error,
contact Servomex.
Air flow reg. problem
: A problem appears with air pressure regulator, the system
will have to be restarted. If after rebooting, you still have this error, contact