Page 9
There is a red highlight over a computer. Use the arrow keys
to move this red cursor to another computer. The current
computer will show in grey and the new selection in red.
Pressing the ENTER key will switch to the new computer.
Pressing <F5> invokes the scan mode. This cycles the tagged
computers through a timed sequence. The next tagged
computer is automatically selected after a certain time has
elapsed. The time is set in the Main Setup screen.
Main Setup Screen
This screen is where various funtions of the ServerLink can
be changed. A series of fields, described below, lets the
operater change the values used for each funtion.
To change values in these fields, use the arrow keys to move
the small red cursor to the desired field. The field is activated
or changed by pressing the Function 2 key <F2>.
If a field has a editable name, the new name can be saved by
pressing the ENTER key.
The other fields will show the available options by repeatedly
pressing the Function 2 key <F2>.
Each computer may be renamed.
Each computer may be tagged. Tagged computers are included
in the scan function, and can be selected with the front
panel button and the printscreen key. A tag is represented
with a dot. All computers are tagged by default.
2 or more ServerLinks may be cascaded to increase the
number of switched computers. Set the cascade field to ‘C’,
if another ServerLink is connected to this input port.