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Problem: Only some of my computers work through
the ServerLink.
Answer - Check that all the cables are plugged in correctly.
Ensure that no keyboard or mouse connectors are swapped
either at the ServerLink or the Computer. Check for bent
pins in the connectors.
Problem: No Power.
Probable fix - Ensure that the power switch is on, but also
ensure at least one computer is connected and running for
the ServerLink to work.
Problem: The keyboard used to work, but after
rebooting, a computer’s BIOS dignostics finds a
problem with the keyboard.
Answer - The ServerLink will boot faster than the connected
computers, but if the serverlink is turned on after one of the
computers has completed its boot diagnostics then that
computer will hang. Solution - reset that computer with the
ServerLink turned on
Problem: The keyboard of a computer hangs.
Answer - Ensure that the mouse emulation is set correctly.
Either Two Button, Wheel or None. This is particularly
important when there is a mouse cable attached to a
computer with no mouse driver installed. In this case set the
emulation to ‘None’. Solution - reboot the computer and
set the mouse emulation of that computer to ‘None’.
Problem: The wheel of the wheel mouse does not
Solution - Ensure that the required computers have a wheel
mouse driver installed and that the ServerLink has the wheel
mouse emulation set for those computers.