Serious Magic
DV Rack Field Guide
Stereo / Mono button to split the panels between each source and compare the
ranges in each signal to ensure you are getting the signal that you want from each.
Some cameras map Audio1 and Audio 2 to the Left and Right channels of the
Improving Clip and Scene Continuity
Any time you break production and set back up, it’s a good idea to double-check
continuity between your new setup and previously recorded clips. Even if you
just break for lunch, important aspects of your clips can change. Avoid continuity
problems by using the DV Rack split screen feature.
Using the Clip List to Check Video Continuity
Sometimes an instant full-screen cut between two pre-recorded scenes is a better
way to compare framing or catch continuity problems. You can easily do this in
the clip list. As you scrub clips, each clip remembers the last position you viewed
in the clip. The red Scrub Bar indicates this position even when the clip is no
longer selected. If you select a clip by clicking outside the audio waveform, the
clip will display the last frame viewed. By clicking this way back and forth
between two clips you get an instant cut.
Typical continuity and consistency problems
Here are some “gotchas” to look for:
• Lighting -
If you’ve ever done a shoot outdoors, you know what problems
the changing sun can cause. Even subtle changes in outdoor light can cause
color balance to shift. Run SureShot to recalibrate your camera.
Color Balance
- Check skin tones, shirt color, etc. between shots to make
sure everything matches. If you are shooting out of sequence, it will be very
important that the camera has the same color balance from scene to scene.
To check for color matching, use the Spectra 60. Move the cursor over a spe-
cific area in each clip and check the color space values.
If color balance does shift, then either your camera or your lighting has
changed since the earlier footage was shot, and needs to be adjusted.
Microphone Placement
- Make sure lapel microphones are clipped in the
same spot in any shots that may be edited together.
Hair Style
- Make sure your talent’s hair hasn’t changed. Going to lunch on
a windy day can rearrange your talent’s hair style. Check the talent’s previ-
ous footage before you begin again.
Accidental Zoom
- You meant to turn the focus ring but hit the zoom ring
instead. Trying to get the exact framing back is virtually impossible - with-
out DV Rack.
- Under warm lights, talent can get increasingly “shiny” with
specular hotspots on cheeks and forehead. Your talent's make-up often
needs a touch up as the day wears on.
Talent Framing and Position
- As talent gets tired or relaxes, their posture
can change. Beware the “late afternoon slouch”! Although videographers try