Improve Quality While Recording
If you see Clip Alerts in your signal, make adjustments to your equipment or
talent, then re-record as needed. To learn more about Audio Clip Alerts, see
page 32.
Check Your Audio Signal for Consistency
• Visually check the clip's green audio waveform for any areas that may
represent unintentionally low audio levels. Flat or low signals can clue you
in to areas where the talent was mumbling or turned their head away from
the microphone. Scrub to these areas and play a few seconds to determine if
all or part of the clip needs to be reshot.
If you are not hearing the audio from your clips, make sure that the Field Monitor Mute
button is off and the volume is up on your PC speakers.
Use the DVR to Review Clips
Review your clips in the Digital Video Recorder. Click the desired clip in the DVR
Clip List to select it.
To play a clip
, click the DVR
To stop
, click the
Clicking the Stop button will revert the
Field Monitor back to live camera input if a camera is connected and turned
To pause a clip
, click the
• To move to a particular spot in a clip, drag the cursor to the frame that you’d
like to start with and click to move the
Scrub Bar
to that frame. To learn
more about working with clips, click here.
Use Split Screen to Check for Consistency Between Clips
To split the Field Monitor window, click a clip in the Clip List or connect
your camera to display camera input in the monitor.
Click the
button underneath the Field Monitor.
Click on a recorded clip in the DVR clip list and the Field Monitor will split.
The right half of the monitor will display the first clip or camera input and
the left half of the monitor will display the second clip that you selected.
For more information about improving continuity, click here.
To check for exact color matching, use the Spectra 60. Move the cursor over a
specific area in each clip and check the color space values for each sample in the
Spectra 60 window. For more information, see The Spectra 60.
Low audio levels are shown in the
signal where the talent’s head was
turned away from the microphone
for a short time.