The DV Rack Components
The Spectra 60
The DV Rack Spectra 60 enables you to digitally monitor and evaluate your video
with pixel-accurate chroma and luminance samples. It is different than traditional
analog analysis tools as it allows you to monitor any pixel in an image whereas
traditional scopes provide only scanline or full screen information. Place the cur-
sor over any pixel in your image and the Spectra 60 reports precise information
about it’s color space. Available color space options include RGB, YUV, HSV, HSL
and CMYK.
Click the button for your desired color space.
Position the cursor over the pixel you’d like to sample on the Field Monitor.
The selected pixel’s color is displayed in the
The Red, Green and Blue values of the current sample are represented in the
colored bars.
The DV Grabber
The DV Grabber enables you to capture still image files. You can quickly grab
high resolution stills from video clips or live video and save them to your hard
drive. Save still images to .jpg, .bmp or .png format and if you wish, edit them in
any standard image editing software. Use them in an NLE application like Sony®
Vegas® or image editing software like Photoshop® or Jasc® Paintshop Pro®. Use
image editing software to compress them to a smaller file size for emailing.
Setting the Grabbed Still Pixel Ratio
Before grabbing an image, make sure the correct pixel ratio is set to match your
intended use. If you intend to use the still in a video editing application you will
most likely want to set it for “Video” which creates a still at 720 x 480 resolution
with an aspect ratio of .9 to 1. If you intend to use the still on a computer (for
The current sample
displays the color of the
pixel that your pointer is
currently over in the Field
Use the buttons to select
a color space.
The bars represent the
amount of each color and
luma in the current