You should wear an approved e-bike bicycle helmet every time you
ride, regardless of legal requirement to do so. Additionally, some
jurisdictions require helmet use when riding Class II and Class III
e-bikes like the Dash 350W and Dash 500W.
Your Dash 350W/500W comes with reflectors and we encourage you
to use them. Reflectors are not a substitute for lights, which are not
included with your e-bike. You should purchase, install, and use front
and rear facing lights when riding in low light or dark conditions.
Some jurisdictions restrict where e-bikes can and cannot be ridden.
These limits may include specific speeds and motor wattages.
Your Dash 350W is a Class II e-bike, 350 Watts with pedal assist up to
20 MPH and throttle up to 20 MPH. You should only ride it where legal
and safe.
Your Dash 500W is a Class III e-bike, 500 Watts with pedal assist up to
28 MPH and throttle up to 20 MPH.
Some jurisdictions do not allow throttle controlled e-bikes. Your Dash
350W/500W will still run without the throttle plugged in and removed
from the bicycle.