User’s Guide
6. Datafiles and Contents
Each data run includes the following
named files. All files have the same
filename format as Rdddhhmm, where ddd is the day of the year, hh is the hour of the
day, and mm is the minute of the hour. Data files start with the letter R. Only the
Background files start with the letter Z. For file types and how many files are saved,
please consult Appendix A. The background is subtracted before computing sediment
concentration and size distribution. The background should be taken immediately prior
to every data run (see Chapter 3). It also zeros out any depth sensor drift and
atmospheric pressure changes to yield the correct water depth.
R0641443.TXT Text file with details of all related files below. Contains
‘memory’ of when created, instrument serial number, firmware version in
TCB, name of file with Concentration and Mean Size; name of Raw
Scattering data binary file; associated background file (Z***,asc below) , and
Z0641443.ASC Background scatter file, to be used for processing
See Appendix A for order of variables.
R0641443.CSV Comma-separated file, saves data displayed on TCB
during data collection. Contains Date, Time, Depth, Velocity, Mean Size,
TSS, Temperature, Optical Transmission, Pump state (1 = ON, 0 = OFF),
and Battery Voltage.
R0641443.DAT Binary data file, 50 variables per record. See Appendix A
to see order of variables (needed if processing data in Matlab).
R0641443.psd Particle Size Distribution, from post-processing
file. It
is a binary file, only used by the VIEW PSD FILE function on the PC
R0641443.ASC This file is produced after processing the .dat file. It is an
ASCII file containing size distribution and other variables. See Appendix A
for order of variables.