User Manual Revision 1.0
Applicable to version 1.3.0 of the AsteRx SBi3 firmware
May 06, 2021
Thank you for choosing the AsteRx SBi3! This user manual provides detailed instructions on
how to use AsteRx SBi3 and we recommend that you read it carefully before you start using
the device.
Please note that this manual provides descriptions of all functionalities of the AsteRx
SBi3 product family however, the particular AsteRx SBi3 you purchased may not support
functions specific to certain variants.
While we try to keep the manual as complete and up-to-date as possible, it may be
that future features, functionality or other product specifications change without prior
notice or obligation. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. We recommend you to look for new or updated information in our Knowledge Base
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