6.2.7 Send data to a PC (SI 600 only)
To move a stored data point or data log to a PC, first connect the meter to the PC using the USB cable
supplied with the meter. Second, open a “listening” program (like e.g. HyperTerminal or Putty) and set
baud rate to 9600 8 N 1 for receiving the data from the USB port. Then send the data to the PC.
To send data to a PC (SI600):
Go to the Options menu,
and choose Data acquisition.
Now select the Send data menu.
Choose and select either to send all logs,
send all samples or send all data.
- SENDING DATA - will appear in the status bar
during the data transfer.
The received data can be copied e.g. in a spreadsheet program, or a custom program, for further
6.2.8 Query meter values
The meter’s momentary measurement values can be queried from a connected PC as well (SI600 only).
This allows integration of pH measurements into a software application running on a PC. The meter
must be connected to the PC using a USB cable and suitable software needs to be running to read /
write to a USB port.
To query the meter the string “ACT” needs to be sent to the USB port to which the meter is connected.
The meter will return a string that contains date, time and the momentary pH and temperature values
separated with a “space”. The string format is:
year – month – day
hours : minutes: seconds
pH value
Y Y Y Y / M M / D D
h h : m m : s s P P . P P P T T . T
The received data can be copied e.g. in a spreadsheet program, or a custom program, for further