The REALTOR® Lockbox
The REALTOR® Lockbox Owner’s Guide
Owner’s Guide •
keypad. The Basic Lockbox Commands section lists some of the possible combination of lights the lockbox
may display.
Basic Lockbox Commands
This section lists several commands you can use with your lockbox. You can find most of these commands
printed on the back of your SentriCard®.
Before you can use the following commands, you need to insert your SentriCard® into the lockbox. After you
insert your SentriCard®, the lockbox displays the
light. Enter your PIN into the keypad and press
When the lockbox displays the
light, you can use the following commands.
Release Shackle
- You can use this command to release the shackle
from the lockboxes you own or borrow. You can also use this
command if you are the lockbox owner's team member and have
ownership privileges. If your office uses Broker Sharing, you can also
use this command. When you release the shackle, the lockbox may
lose any custom settings you selected. For more information see "How
to Release the Shackle" on page 35.
FUNC + 1 + ENT
Release Shackle
- You can use this command to release the shackle
from the lockboxes you don’t own.
FUNC + 1 + Shackle Code + ENT
Homeowner Shackle Release
- a homeowner can use this command
to release the shackle from a lockbox. Before a homeowner can
release the shackle, the lockbox owner or team member must select a
4 digit code and enable homeowner shackle release command on the
lockbox. To enable shackle release, select a 4 digit code, insert your
SentriCard® into the lockbox and enter your PIN. When the lockbox
displays the
light, enter
FUNC + 5 + 6 + 4 Digit Homeowner
Shackle Release Code + ENT
. After you enable homeowner shackle
release, the homeowner can enter
FUNC + 5 + 6 + 4 Digit Homeowner
Shackle Release Code + ENT
to release the shackle from a lockbox.
Before the homeowner enters the code, they should press the
to wake up the lockbox. Once the keypad lights up, they can enter the
command and code. If you enable homeowner shackle release, you
should also check the
Do Not Clear Contractor Mode on Shackle
check box on the
Agent Default Lockbox Settings
Custom Lockbox Settings
windows. If you do not check this box, the
homeowner will disable homeowner shackle release the first time they
remove the shackle from the lockbox. The homeowner shackle release
command is available on
series lockboxes. To find out what
series and firmware version your Association uses, see "How to
FUNC + 5 + 6 + 4 Digit
Homeowner Shackle
Release Code + ENT